Broken Heart


Active Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Real beautiful, well written poem, I would like to share it with you, mind you, there's some soft nude photos showing, no harm done, trust me!:giggle:

To My Very Special Friend
Oh yeah, I think this poem song belongs to Rod Stewart, scottish singer.
Thanks for sharing I really enjoyed this webpage & yep thats Rod Stewart singing on the webpage also:)
Mmmm, very familiar...

I really like the page and music. Thanks for sharing. :cool:

(sighs). Thank you so much for the beautiful poem... It really says what I was feeling. I have been in love and got my heart broken, too... Several times by a man. I am really glad that you shared that poem with us.
Very beautiful description of feeling... I love to re-read this peom... It make me feeling good...
Nice, not bad. I lean toward a more morbid sort of poetry when I write depending on the mood. But yeah, love bites =p