Levonian said:
You're welcome. I'm sure the guys will chime in and back me up on this one.
Woah, I take it Y means me? And Levonian is serious that it is ALL men?
You really do believe that literally ALL men will think it funny to laugh at woman with implants, Levonian, & Y? All? No, maybe some don't think and would hurt woman with cancer like my aunt, but my uncle wouldn't, and he is a man ofc, he wouldn't laugh at her for getting reconstructive implant. What about when guys make fun of pretty girl with natural big breasts, maybe she insecure and hurt by this, and they not fake at all and guys are just being thoughtless. You didn't answer this, just expect men to all agree that women there for men's entertainment only. This is her say! No, I still think NOT ALL men would be like that. Many may be, which is sad for me... but not all are so conceited that they would laugh at woman and hurt her just for a moments humour for themselves.
I don't think I missunderstand anything Y, the statement was very clear that he thinks ALL men laugh at women with implants... not that men only laugh when it's somehow ok in some way, or that this is respectful or justified by something. This looks to me, like a generalisation about all men behaving same way (I think there's more diversity in men's expressions and thoughts than that!) & all implanted women, not thinking of reality of this surgery for many women, good reasons, and not comical looking at all. I don't have a problem with Levonian in fact I usually am interested in Levoinians opinions & posts, but I also feel it's not gentleman's behaviour to laugh at lady in that situation. She not trying to get male attention like playboy porn model with ridiculous huge size impants for earning money by being naked (those women are very small minorty of those with implants) and even those women have their free choice, most lady that have these surgeries aren't like that at all. There are many of less stereotypical reason, and they're more common than the vanity or porn wannabe idea that some guys seem to jump to conculsion of mistakenly. Some women have surgery bc they have one breast bigger than the other, and want them to match. (which is actually very common!) Some have hormonal imballance and don't grow breasts, and feel insecure or unattractive, or just like they didn't mature physically and aren't womanly enough for their liking. I happen to feel very strongly about this, bc my aunt has just had her 4th surgery for remove cancer this year, and they had to take out whole muscle, and everything - there's a big hollow on one side of her body, with nothing but wounds and scars, they've taken huge skin grafts from both her legs. She can get an implant when cancer is gone (if she survives) to make it even where they had to cut out cancerous tissues to save her life, this can make her feel better and not cry so much feeling mutilated and uneven... I can't beleive that all men on this earth would be calous enough to laugh at that. That's just silly... most of the men I know have more integrity and compassion than that, they're wonderful guys, & just aren't that cruel as you think. You ignore what I say, that most people with implants are just normal women... and that you woudn't be able to tell most of them have implants anyway. You're probably laughing at women without implants, or women who could be very hurt to know you laugh. A gentleman treats a lady with respect, and understands when she needs to do something for herself like this, be it for her self esteem or physical repair, he also does not assume to know what is real body, and just blessed and what is as the saying goes 'too good to be true'.
Imangine if women here said ALL women laugh at men with big dicks and say they fake, and laugh at men with little ones who wish they bigger, laugh at average size guy mistakenly think they have penis extensions, or think they don't have one when they used to only have 1.5 inches and did have surgery bc they were miserable now they happy to be average, and imagine if we all said we'd laugh at the guys here bc you probably put socks down your jeans to 'augment' your size, or something we couldn't all know for sure? You could feel hurt maybe boys? Especially if you were like another uncle of mine who had testicular cancer and had one ball removed. I wouldn't say these things, it's not worth a laugh when it's at someone else's expense.
How is this different to when people laugh at us for things they don't understand? When my friend was visiting from another town last weekend, we were signing in cafe, and when we left these high school age kids were laughing and I caught some of what they said when I glanced across and saw their lips through the window as we waited for our other friend to bring her car around from where it was parked... they said "Deaf look stupid, and really weird when they wave hands around to talk, don't they know they're weird. did you see those dumb colour hearing aids, like she think she cool or something?" I don't like that people say things like that about Deaf signing in front of them, that's part of us. I also really like my coloured HA's, before you tell me it is different to have breast implants bc they're just cosmetic, so coloured HA's are too, but they make a difference to me over if I want to wear them or not! I hate 'rest-home beige' ones!
Change subject back to breasts, not men now!
Cricket, yes they get bigger when they have milk, but when you stop feeding then they go back to previous size usually. It's just bc they are full of milk that they seem bigger and firmer (and can sometimes swell so much they hurt if you don't feed the baby quick enough! OUCH! They can get engorged.) Mine were huge when I was feeding, it was very uncomfortable, I got a really sore back.