Brazen bank robber bonehead move

The Joker

New Member
Aug 22, 2014
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Virginia Bank Robber Apparently Posted Alleged Crime on Instagram Video

A man who has been charged for allegedly robbing a Virginia Beach bank on Monday apparently posted a photo of the note he gave the teller and two videos of the incident to Instagram.

One video shows a teller apparently taking and reading the note, while another shows the teller giving him wads of cash.

The accused robber, Dominyk Antonio Alfonseca, 23, also uploaded the note he apparently handed the teller, which reads: "I need 150,000 Bands Right NOW!! Please Police take 3 to 4 minites to get here, I would appriceate if you Ring the alarm a minute after I am gone... Make sure the money doesn't BLOW UP ON MY WAY OUT:)"


:laugh2::rofl::bowlol::wtflol: :smash: Order Order!!
Yeah we are getting dumber by the generation it seems..
You know these people are likely children of those who went on to collect the equivalent of Darwin awards. :lol:
And that's why they say crooks are stupid! The better one was the bank robber who wrote the note on the back of his business card!
And that's why they say crooks are stupid! The better one was the bank robber who wrote the note on the back of his business card!

Not all crooks are stupid. The recent hiest in london england seems to suggest some are brilliant.
Woody Allen was stupid
Not all but a good number of them are.

true but the majority of the population is stupid. So its just a part of that. As the population gets dumbed down, the crooks do too.
I noticed this inside.
The older cons are smarter, wiser, wnd cleverer. The young ones comming in are dumber then bricks.
It just has to do with thr dumbing down of america by design i should add.
true but the majority of the population is stupid. So its just a part of that. As the population gets dumbed down, the crooks do too.
I noticed this inside.
The older cons are smarter, wiser, wnd cleverer. The young ones comming in are dumber then bricks.
It just has to do with thr dumbing down of america by design i should add.

Could also be that the older cons are smarter through experience. However, the fact that they were caught proves that they weren't smart enough.
Could also be that the older cons are smarter through experience. However, the fact that they were caught proves that they weren't smart enough.

No it doesnt. Most like me, i got away with hundreds of crimes.nothing crazy, just honorable stuff. Nothing evil. So i got caught three out of say 300,
Its just a game, and thars expected. Thats the kick....
Thsts all.
Its like a the other team gets a goal sometiems cool,
Thsts how cons see it. Thr normal cons anyway...
Thats how it Works

Your just demonstrating a serious lack of understsnding what your talking about.
I have no plm if you think im stupid for getting caught those 3 out of 300 times..
I knOw
And thats a small for the new generation being man they are. Even in math...the younger generations are getting dumbed down...i know what im talkin about. Half the new cons comming in couldnt even keep up with reading like the older cons or cons of my generation. and even math numbers they are behind, which hurts your ability to reason which hurts your ability to get away with it. Which is the damn point of the game. so cons see the joint as say part of the game, sometimes more often you will get away with the goal...sometimes you need to go to the penalty box, then when your out, youll make up for it, so forth...
Your welcome to hold s different opinion..
All cool
america is being dumbed down, and its by design....