Brand New! Hello everyone.


New Member
Mar 18, 2007
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Pleased to meet you all. I had no idea this kind of forum existed. Thank you for existing! [giggles] I'm looking forward to checking out all the conversations and stuff.

I'm profoundly deaf, use hearing assistance sometimes, but mostly am trying to learn ASL. Its so visual, its quite the struggle. I usually use typing/writing as my communication.

I hope to gain some friends from this, not just feel more at home in the world. Believe me, I feel very outcasty. >_<;
Awesome, Hello there,

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here :)...
Welcome to AD!!! Yea, this is a great forum! I have learned a lot since I joined.

I undy about learning ASL at a later age being difficult. I started learning it at 28 years old and it was hard but I stuck to my guns and now I am pretty fluent in it and very much involved in the deaf community both personally and professionally. I am grateful for learning ASL cuz I don't feel like an outcast all the time like I did growing up as the only deaf kid at my school.

Hang in there and don't give up! Looking forward to reading your posts. :)
wow, just hang in there, and welcome to alldeaf and hope you will feel welcoming here, smile
I'm so grateful...

Thank you everyone. The welcome is very refreshing. ^_^ I'll keep up the good work and try to keep myself motivated for mastering ASL. It helps a LOT to have a free course online from ASL University... ASL American Sign Language

and to have an ASL Dictionary. I do have to wonder what it takes to get accepted by the deaf in my area. My situation is that I'm not accepted by the deaf nor the hearing. So I'm stuck between worlds. My family kinda caused this situation; they didn't allow me to learn ASL. They just wanted me to wear hearing assistance. By my 20's, though, the hearing assistance wasn't helping anymore. My ears were losing the ability to distinguish syllables, so it all sounded like amplified gibberish. Without the hearing assistance, I hear few sounds and can't pick up speech. Even if someone spoke up for me, all I'd get is gibberish. So off and on, I've been trying to learn ASL.

My observations is that ASL is easier for me to "listen" to and comprehend. There's just no way gibberish occurs and no way to misunderstand sounds that would sound almost the same. I can't tell you how much I cried when I actually understood a sentence in ASL with no earlier coaching. Its like "WHOA... I can...I can tell what's being said!!! HOLY MACARONI!" [giggles]

Not sure what to type out now... [ponders] So I guess I'll just get into the groove of this place and try to feel at home.

:welcome: to Alldeaf! Have fun browsing and posting! :)
I bet you're either asia or comic lover.

Good guess! I do love Asian stuff and I love manga. I'm Scottish in ethnicity, born and raised in the United States. I live in Canada; thought I'd try it out. I don't like it. [giggles, but smile fades] Canada has no rights for the deaf. The United States do. Canada's government is trying to ban ASL from being used. They want only English. [not counting Quebec]
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Apparently you're already finding yourself 'comfty' and 'at home' within this online community, also, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD as well! ;)

Have a great day! :wave:
