ANd what are iNplants? I've heard of iMplants, but not iNplants....Since there is no such thing is iNplants there are not a threat. BTW here's my thinking.... Deaf culture survived hearing aids, it has survived CIs. It will survive any and every technological "improvement" b/c hearing with devices is pretty much not as good as natural hearing person hearing. HOH people are not hearing. About the only difference between them and deaf people is that HOH people have a bit more access to sound. That doesn't make them hearing. That's like saying that a legally blind person is sighted b/c they make good use of their residual vision.
I disagree.just because we have against the odds so far been able to survive against the hearie ideological drive and impulse to rid the world of our culture and people like us Deaf, doesnt in the least add up To we will always be able To. Given the forces arrayed and aligned, with deep pockets, and a very deep investment in the cure of deafness. As in if they have their Deaf will be a fossil, a museum peiece. a curious artifact. That translates into the ridding the world of sign. Our language, thats long term, short term we are a frog in the pot, the water keeops rising slowly in temp, yet we do not notice due to the slow increase we are getting boiled...we see the specatcle, ASL accepted as a language, being offered in more collges, more herie learning more dabbling...this is good but its almost a smoke screen, a diversion to what is actually happining to our culture...
We are the frog, the temp is ci and all other ideoogical drivin technologies of.normalization and assimilation, the water is the confluence of interests, medics, technical, ideological that is convincinf a great many,. Deaf that we need them foe s full life, that Deaf is not leading s full life without their hawked product, they are succedding.
i am not as optimistic as you.
The pyhisical technology is just one aspect of the ideology that deafness is an affliction and needs to be cured.
and that ideal isnt going anywhere.
one of the deepest contridictions of this time is the apperent acceptance of sign as a full and living language, and the concurent ideological and technical drive to cure the very reason for its being...
Im not going to assume just because wE have saved our language and culture so far, that we always will...
ThaT to me is rather short sighted.
Gotta a light?