Boston city leaders are prepared for Ferguson decision

I knew if the there is not a trial there could be riots in other cities and was hoping Boston would be prepared so we would not riots like we did in the 60's
Interesting. I wonder why people in cities other than Ferguson would riot? What is the purpose?

Just to be clear: the grand jury doesn't decide guilty or not guilty. This is not a trial. They only decide whether or not there is enough evidence to support an indictment. An indictment could lead to a trial but it is not a trial itself.
Interesting. I wonder why people in cities other than Ferguson would riot? What is the purpose?

Just to be clear: the grand jury doesn't decide guilty or not guilty. This is not a trial. They only decide whether or not there is enough evidence to support an indictment. An indictment could lead to a trial but it is not a trial itself.

I know I could not think of the right words , There really is no good reasons to have riots in other cities but Boston has a long history of racial tension and this is still going on .
People have a lot of pinned angrier and frustrating over the treatments they had gotten from the cops for years , and something like this take the lid off all that energy and people riot .
I am NOT saying this is right but put I really feel the cops and courts are partly the blame for this happening. I lived in Boston and saw how the cops and court treated Black men . Cops like do not help the racial tension in any city.
I kind of doubt this...if people are traveling to that city, it's still their concern (Ferguson) but I don't see how or why Boston would need to beef up patrols...we're not involved in this...

I kind of doubt this...if people are traveling to that city, it's still their concern (Ferguson) but I don't see how or why Boston would need to beef up patrols...we're not involved in this...


That is were you're wrong , check out this we site. The FBI is warning law enforcement agencies nation wide . I said the out come of the grand jury could cause riots across the country .
"The FBI is warning law enforcement agencies nationwide that a grand jury’s decision on whether a Missouri police officer will face charges for killing Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old, “will likely” lead to attacks on police officers and key infrastructure." I remember a young Black boy shot and killed in the street in the late 60's and riots broke out everywhere.
A play was written about and my b/f was in it. And please speak for yourself about not being involved in this.

"In Boston, a group called Black Lives Matter, which has chapters in major cities, is organizing a rally in front of the police district office in the Roxbury neighborhood the day after the grand jury's decision." this taken from the link I posted . If I was able to I would go too.