bone conduction


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2005
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Anyone know anything about bone conduction hearing aids or devices? Not the BAHA's, but bone conduction? I'm just curious, as I tried an old one a few days ago in North Carolina (I blogged about this experience), and I was actually able to hear with it on right behind my left ear, which was amazing. Am wanting to seek more info about them. Will definitely be asking my audie about this tomorrow when I get my new Naida hearing aid for the right ear.
Anyone know anything about bone conduction hearing aids or devices? Not the BAHA's, but bone conduction? I'm just curious, as I tried an old one a few days ago in North Carolina (I blogged about this experience), and I was actually able to hear with it on right behind my left ear, which was amazing. Am wanting to seek more info about them. Will definitely be asking my audie about this tomorrow when I get my new Naida hearing aid for the right ear.

BAHA's are bone conduction aides.

but my understanding with bone conduction is they work best for people who's heaing problems are from conduction problems (no ear canal or middle ear damage) rather then sensory. Myself and my kids were always tested for bone conduction, but we evidently don'e test any better then we do with the regular testing.
I know there are bone conductions that are NOT Baha's (the older system I would guess). And my audiologist told me the same thing today, but for some reason I was able to hear with the 20 year old bone conduction body worn hearing aid at that mall in NC, when traditional hearing aids have NEVER worked for the left ear.
Meggers, I vaguely remember a member who had unilateral deafness, who tried out a bone conductor aid. He thought it helped him hear, but when he went to the audilogist, it turned out that it was kinda an aural illusion. It was a while ago, so I don't remmy the exact details.
My audiologist said that someday we could "experiment" in his office, just to make sure.
Oh that's awesome!! Glad to hear that you have an openminded audi. It's possible that you needed the boost that only a body worn aid could give.
I remember seeing something online that was a BCA ... I'll have to look around again but you'll be the first to know when I trip across it !!!
you know.....I was thinking. Perhaps, the bone conductor might have worked b/c your cochlea ossified. The way I'm thinking is that maybe the BCHA, stimulated the cochlea b/c it was essentally bone. Maybe a good idea might be to try other tactile aids as well.