Blood tests could soon diagnose depression!

Meh, depression is so common.... when they get to popping out with blood diagnosing schizophrenia, bipolar, Shizoaffective and curing them... alert me.... Though, it is an advancement and cool, there are so many more advanced mental diagnosis' that are so much more serious than depression. :doh:
what a waste of money , people know when they're depress . They don't need a blood to tell them that. :roll:
Still wishing for a "Happy Pill"....depression can be fatal....the elderly and disabled are vulnerable....even a basically normal, happy-go-lucky person who experienced a trauma, such as a loss in their family.....Some people are very good at hiding depression outwardly to other people/friends/family....but when they are alone, they grieve and suffer...even harm themselves, such as "cutting".
what a waste of money , people know when they're depress . They don't need a blood to tell them that. :roll:

Really? I'm sure there are a lot of people suffering from depression & don't know it.
And the symptoms can be the same as other illnesses, so I'd welcome a blood test before being given antidepressants.
I knew I should not had open the link , I got a warning the link had a Trojan virus and it was blocked .
Yes, depression is definitely a serious illness... some people don't know they're depressed and can suffer months even YEARS not knowing what's wrong... Just going to work and coming home sleeping every second they're not at work... resulting in divorce, family issues, and even suicide.... they just know life is terrible but may not know or even want to admit a lot of times they're depressed... so a blood test could help those stubborn people who want solid proof.
Got some seriously depressed people in my house and I am sure they need this test to confirm it.
Yes, depression is definitely a serious illness... some people don't know they're depressed and can suffer months even YEARS not knowing what's wrong... Just going to work and coming home sleeping every second they're not at work... resulting in divorce, family issues, and even suicide.... they just know life is terrible but may not know or even want to admit a lot of times they're depressed... so a blood test could help those stubborn people who want solid proof.

If people are that stubborn they just not want to take the test . I do not need a blood test to tell when I am depress . And if someone is depress is might be from their living situation and that will not show up in a blood test.
If a child is acting depress the first thing that need to be done is finding out what is going on at home and that their school. The doctor should not be wasting time giving the kid a blood test when they could be getting abuse at home. I still say this a bad idea , companies may what people to get the test before hiring someone .
I think it's all if its 'sad' all the time and they explore then its good, but if its prisoners or problem childs to be forced to have tests then take meds then that's where it is questionable....

it doesnt go down to the real underlying problems, SOCIAL problems, at home, school or what a case of chemical (additional) point being is sometimes I must wonder of the 'imbalance' is not inherent or biological flaw but as a reaction of prolonged situation of the undesired or unacceptable or even slightly hazardous, like a hard unfeeling parents or such could trigger life longer dissapoint which creates subdued moods which became habitual to hence a 'depression' but a kind that get misdiagnosed, not just a medically misdiagnosis, but of the social nature......the people! the circumstances!! yea counseling, or a chance for change of circumstance could do a lot, like, leaving town to a different place start afresh....problems is two other difficulty, many people CAN'T LEAVE!! ( & don't blame them) other is when arriving onto new place(s) their habits has been became mildly destructive (not violent) but in terms of not being able to create new social contacts (or re-create)......people have loss of power...oh another factor is, the new places/people could actually contribute to worsening or re-trigger the blues because they don't understand or are quite defensive (don't blame them too).....its a really icky business.....
but, as a tool for diagnosing, this is welcome and yes many people are and can well be unaware and it would create a lot of potentially life-saving changes but then they have to work at it too......

its just what concerns me a little is if govt starts to roll out 'intervention programme' of a rather significant quite scale say, to test more than 50% of students in schools......then that's when my eye brows would be it would be in my eyes, state-control, a la 'big brother is watching you' mindset....that would be deemed as abuse of technology and medicine...
The way I look at it is there are 2 types of depression. Chemical & situational. I've had both. I don't take meds for my situational depression because I know it will go away quickly. I did take meds for my chemical depression because I knew it could last a year and it was depressing feeling depressed when there was no situation to make me feel depressed.
A blood test could help determine if someone is experiencing situational or chemical depression and then proceed with treatment/investigation as warranted.

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If people are that stubborn they just not want to take the test . I do not need a blood test to tell when I am depress . And if someone is depress is might be from their living situation and that will not show up in a blood test.
If a child is acting depress the first thing that need to be done is finding out what is going on at home and that their school. The doctor should not be wasting time giving the kid a blood test when they could be getting abuse at home. I still say this a bad idea , companies may what people to get the test before hiring someone .

I've had bipolar II rapid cycling disorder since I was 14 years old. A symptom of Bipolar disorder is fluxing moods, which include SEVERE anger, mania ( happiness ) and yes... depression. It is not caused by a situation. It is a chemical imbalance in your brain that makes you depressed. The same thing that makes me incredibly angry, happy or whatever my mood fluxes to hour to hour. ( go go rapid cycling ) It is nothing I can help, it is a chemical imbalance. Depression and people diagnosed with depression ( just like bipolar ) have a chemical imbalance. It's nothing caused by a situation. It's nothing they can help. There's nothing they can do to change it. There's nothing they can do to make it go away, an activity to make them happier to make it go away, nothing. They must take a medication to level out the chemical changes ( an antidepressant ) to change that chemical imbalance and level them out back to normal. The same as a bipolar person must take multiple medications ( mood stabilizers / antidepressants / depressants ) to level out every possible mood of the bipolar ) of the chemical imbalances... depending on what moods are more prominent in the bipolar. So, depression, bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, Shizoaffective disorder, ANY of these mental health things... Sure, they can be triggered by stress or a certain circumstance... but often, they're life long diseases... and require life long treatment... including depression. My brother was diagnosed with depression when he was 11 years old. He is now 31 and is still taking antidepressants. He can't function if he doesn't. He doesn't get out of bed... he doesn't move... he just sleeps... doesn't eat... doesn't move... cries at random... lump on a log basically.... it's well, depressing! If I hit a depressed lump in my bipolar, I'm the same way... no movement, no motivation, no food, I call out of work, I sleep 20 hours in one day... I keep in a dark room... feel like I have nothing to live for... ( even though I DO! ) It's just sad and pathetic... Depression is real... and definitely not necessarily brought on by a bad living situation or a bad school situation. My brother and I had a great home and school situation... We just have relatives who are mentally ill and well, that stuff tends to be hereditary... we got a crappy soggy deck! So, we have pills to take... Oh well, beats the alternative. Just don't think for a second that it's a home or school situation or it's always obvious... because it's usually not either.... :(
what a waste of money , people know when they're depress . They don't need a blood to tell them that. :roll:

There are many other conditions that can cause a person to seem like they do have depression. When they truly do not and there are situations where depressed person may not appear to have depression.
Meh, just another wY to pitch pills....pop me and be happy
Thank the gods though I have plms depression is not nor ever has been one.
Pass the light
Time for my happy smoke