Black Males Open Fire on 5 Year-Old White Girl. Where’s Sharpton and Jackson?


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Apr 22, 2007
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A five year old girl who had done nothing wrong was wantonly murdered as she sat on the lap of her grandfather. You haven’t heard about it? That’s not surprising; while the Al Sharptons and the Jesse Jacksons of the world posture and bloviate about violence and a lack of respect for human life that permeates communities, they routinely keep quiet about attacks that happen every single day in America unless the victim was a person of color and there are television cameras pointed at them.

You see, the left isn’t interested in telling the story of the murder of Laylah Petersen because Petersen doesn’t fit the preferred narrative. What I mean is: Petersen was white.

While sitting on her grandfather’s lap, a hail of bullets rang throughout the house in a mostly-black neighborhood in Milwaukee. Reports indicate that two black males went to the door of the house and opened fire on the house that belonged to Laylah’s grandparents.

The neighborhood in which Laylah’s grandparents lived is 77% black and only 14% white.

Of course, nobody yet knows the motive behind this heinous crime; but then again, nobody bothered to ask about the motive before Sharpton, Jackson, Attorney General Eric Holder and the partisan media pounced on the shooting deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown

All they knew is that a black person was killed by a white (or, in the case of Martin, a Hispanic) person. All other facts melted away in the early moments of rage and rhetoric and little Laylah Petersen lies dead and the race-hustlers and dividers don’t give a… darn.

Even if we account for the conflicting version of events surrounding the deaths of Martin and Brown, we can see that the issue is more-complicated than originally suspected. Brown had just robbed a store and allegedly attacked police officers. Martin had allegedly scuffled with George Zimmerman and went for Zimmerman’s gun.

What the hell could Laylah Petersen possibly have done? She was five years old and sitting on her grandfather’s knee in the relative safety of her grandparents’ home. Was she a Crip from a rival set? Did she owe bookies money? Had she perpetrated a drive-by earlier in the day and this shooting was retaliation? All highly unlikely scenarios…

So, I ask again: where are the supposed defenders of innocent life? Where are the race-hustlers demanding a full accounting of what is being done to see that justice is done?

Somehow, I can’t help but believe that this would receive more attention if Laylah wasn’t white.
'She is going to live on and save a life:

Devastated family of five-year-old girl shot dead while she sat on her grandfather's lap donate her heart as cops hunt for her killers

Laylah Petersen was killed as she sat on the couch in her Milwaukee home
A dozen bullets were fired at the house, one went through the wall
The youngster was hit in the head as she sat on the couch
Police Chief Edward Flynn pleaded for information at a news conference
Said he would keep a photo of Laylah in his pocket until arrests were made
Investigators do not believe that anyone in the home was being targeted

The family of a five-year-old girl who was shot dead while sitting on her grandfather's lap have donated her heart to save the life of another child.

Laylah Petersen was killed when a dozen bullets were fired at her Milwaukee home.

One entered through the wall and hit her in the head while she sat on the couch.

Investigators said there was no clear motive for the shooting and they needed the public's help to find those responsible.

During an emotional press conference, Police Chief Edward Flynn said he would keep a photo of the victim in his chest pocket, next to the photos of his own grandchildren, until suspects are arrested

'She is going to be in our hearts, like her little baby heart is going to be in somebody else's,' he said.

'We know that as awful as this event has been, she is going to live on and save a life.'

No arrests have been made in the Thursday evening shooting. Investigators have said they don't believe anyone in the home, where Laylah was being raised by her grandparents, was being targeted

Flynn said officers were getting good tips and canvassing the neighborhood for witnesses. He urged anyone with possible information to come forward, saying 'at this point, rumors are as helpful as facts.'

He said the house may have been mistakenly targeted, but that several theories were being explored. Without elaborating, he said investigators were having some success with physical evidence and were 'in a different place today than we were yesterday.' Police have said officers found a dozen casings at the scene, and were looking into whether more than one handgun was used

The chief said his officers 'are not going to rest until we find the perpetrators of this vicious crime to justice.'

Laylah's relatives tearfully hugged officers during Saturday's news conference, and her aunt, Tracy Martinez, said family was especially grateful to the first officers on the scene.

Family spokesman Richard Schwoegler III said Laylah's heart had been donated. He also urged faith-based organizations to take to the streets in an effort build relationships with troubled people. Flynn said so far 11 children under the age of 13 have been shot this year in Milwaukee, compared to two last year.

A funeral is planned for Wednesday. A reward of up to $5,000 is being offered for information leading to an arrest and conviction in the case
I hope they find the killers and burn them!
I have a problem with the way the articles were written.

It's quite racist and does nothing but create more negative views towards blacks, oppressing them further.

One thing for example is that in the articles you posted the authorities do not know who the suspects are. How are we to know that they're black?
I have a problem with the way the articles were written.

It's quite racist and does nothing but create more negative views towards blacks, oppressing them further.

One thing for example is that in the articles you posted the authorities do not know who the suspects are. How are we to know that they're black?

For once I agree with you, yes this only promote more racist feelings which in turn create more fear and violent . This adding fuel to the fire.
It's horrible an innocent child was gun down in colds blood and I hope whoever did is found and throw in jail and the color of the shooter skin should not made them any more or less guilty .
Sharpton and Jackson don't care unless you are black.
Sharpton and Jackson don't care unless you are black.

Sharpton and Jackson are civil rights activists for racial injustice toward black people... why should they be also responsible for black people's bad behavior? that makes absolutely no sense at all. none whatsoever.

that's like saying Pope should speak out for every time a Catholic person made a bad behavior :roll:
I am kind of concern about what the article is saying. They did not mention about the drive by shooting that are very common in regard of no matter what color the person was living at the home. Many people especially children were always seem to be the target outside or even inside when the drive by shooting happen to be shot for no apparent reasons. They are gangs probably take a dare like ritual to become a new gangsters. I don't know but that what I was thinking that this is common for gangsters to do that to any members of the family. I think someone who shot the 5 years old girl is really stupid and have no remorse in humanity. What happen to our world when there is no education on humanity and compassion for human beings? We need to have that in elementary schools and high schools, even in colleges to learn how to get along with peace and love. Most often I find that most men don't give a damn about humanity. That is what bother me so much. May the 5 years old girl rest in peace. :(
I have a problem with the way the articles were written.

It's quite racist and does nothing but create more negative views towards blacks, oppressing them further.

One thing for example is that in the articles you posted the authorities do not know who the suspects are. How are we to know that they're black?
Two suspects described as African-American males approached the house, which belonged to her grandparents and opened fire, killing Laylah.
There were witnesses in the house so that's how we know they are black. DUH!
Sharpton and Jackson are civil rights activists for racial injustice toward black people... why should they be also responsible for black people's bad behavior? that makes absolutely no sense at all. none whatsoever.

that's like saying Pope should speak out for every time a Catholic person made a bad behavior :roll:
Right, that's all they are good for, however they are not always right. Oh man, those guys, PFFFT! They want attention (= MONEY). I am sure you know that.

First of all the girl was not White , she is biracial , I think it was a senseless horrible crime and hope the people are found . I think it's horrible that whoever reported this story is turning it into a race issue and if they had reported the child was biracial Sharpton and Jackson may had been heard from by now. The story does more harm ,it is fanning the fire of racist and the news needs to get their fact rights before reporting a story. She was beautiful child and I feel fir her family . :( But the shame on the news for trying to made money on this story .

First of all the girl was not White , she is biracial , I think it was a senseless horrible crime and hope the people are found . I think it's horrible that whoever reported this story is turning it into a race issue and if they had reported the child was biracial Sharpton and Jackson may had been heard from by now. The story does more harm ,it is fanning the fire of racist and the news needs to get their fact rights before reporting a story. She was beautiful child and I feel fir her family . :( But the shame on the news for trying to made money on this story .
In the first link Robin posted, it is not an actual news reporter for TV network. Look at the name of the website, TEA PARTY NEWS NETWORK. I never heard of it before so that means it's not popular.

As for Sharpton and Jackson, they CAN'T do anything about people's opinions including the author of the first link. The author has a right to speak his/her mind whether s/he is right or wrong. Let it go. It's just one article with which I am sure many people disagree.

First of all the girl was not White , she is biracial , I think it was a senseless horrible crime and hope the people are found . I think it's horrible that whoever reported this story is turning it into a race issue and if they had reported the child was biracial Sharpton and Jackson may had been heard from by now. The story does more harm ,it is fanning the fire of racist and the news needs to get their fact rights before reporting a story. She was beautiful child and I feel fir her family . :( But the shame on the news for trying to made money on this story .
It's a terrible story regardless of what race the girl was but I don't see anything in the story that says she was biracial. When I saw her parents in the video, they both looked white. Did I miss something?
In the first link Robin posted, it is not an actual news reporter for TV network. Look at the name of the website, TEA PARTY NEWS NETWORK.

As for Sharpton and Jackson, they CAN'T do anything about people's opinions including the author of the first link. The author has a right to speak his/her mind whether s/he is right or wrong. Let it go. It's just one article.

Don't tell me to let something go! You do not know how many articles the person wrote and even if was only one article it was seen by more than 'one 'person who feel the same as the author , and misinformation can do a lot of harm especially when it's a coving a story like this . If the person is trying to cause more racial tension by saying the child was 'White' that is wrong .
It's a terrible story regardless of what race the girl was but I don't see anything in the story that says she was biracial. When I saw her parents in the video, they both looked white. Did I miss something?


Yes you did miss something . I posted the story is saying the girl was White and and I am saying she is not white she was biracial her skin is NOT WHTE . And I also said it a horrible story , the color of her the poor child skin should not had been used to stir up more racial tension between Blacks and Whites . The person that wrote the story is wrong , the girl was NOT White , she skin is not white and she did not have tan , she had honey color skin. This story was written to cause more racial tension and that is something
we certainly do not need especially with what going on in Ferguson right now. You really can't see that her skin is not White?
She looks "white" to me. Aren't Italians "classified" as white? They don't have WHITE skin. Not saying she's of italian heritage, but just saying not all whites have WHITE skin.
Come to think of it, aren't Jewish people considered "white". :hmm:

Yes you did miss something . I posted the story is saying the girl was White and and I am saying she is not white she was biracial her skin is NOT WHTE . And I also said it a horrible story , the color of her the poor child skin should not had been used to stir up more racial tension between Blacks and Whites . The person that wrote the story is wrong , the girl was NOT White , she skin is not white and she did not have tan , she had honey color skin. This story was written to cause more racial tension and that is something
we certainly do not need especially with what going on in Ferguson right now. You really can't see that her skin is not White?
I don't know if she's white or not (it doesn't matter). I was just wondering where you read that she was biracial because it wasn't mentioned in either of the links. I can't tell her race from any of the pictures. I know plenty of 100% white people who have darker skin than lots of black or biracial people. Perceived skin color isn't a guarantee of racial background.