Bind teen get beaten up by bully kid that helps b/t get suspended

So the guy was suppose stand and let a blind kid the crap beaten out of him ?? This was not an act of violent he was protecting a classmate .
That school mad.As for misdemeanour more serious the bully need punishment
Its about social re engeenering. And its been actually successfull. In a variety of ways,
Essentially the goal is to produce children and men and women who are cowards..
And wont stand up or help. If they do, they will b punished.

Look at the chumps watching and videoing it, that is the behavoir schools want, they want snitches and ratts.

They dont want people to stand up or help eachother.

The goal is to produce cowards....sheep, that will obey the states every dictate, not. A dude who actually intercedes and help someone getting beat down.
That is anathema to the new world order...
Today's school has no common sense anymore!

Yeah there is a public announcement on TV for teenage students it show a girl being bullied by other girls and there is one girl standing on the side doing nothing and the message is "If you see something do something "
And that is just what that football player did . He is a hero in my book .
The world is turned upside-down.