Billboard Showing Boobs Causes 500 Accidents in One Day


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Sarafan Advertising Agency devised an advertising campaign that was sure to turn a few heads. They plastered advertisements on the side of 30 trucks depicting a woman cupping her nude breasts, the nipples only barely obscured by a thin blue strip, reading “They Attract.”

The distracting advertisements ran in Moscow, where they wound up causing 517 car accidents in only one day. As police received more and more complaints from irate drivers who just couldn’t resist the ad’s allure, authorities sought to ban the boobs from Moscow roads

“I was on my way to a business meeting when I saw this truck with a huge photo of breasts on its side go by,” motorist Ildar Yuriev told the Daily Star. “Then I was hit by the car behind who said he had been distracted by the truck. It made me late and left my car in the garage and although I am insured I am still out of pocket.”

A spokesman for the Sarafan Advertising Agency said that they were using the ad to try out a new form of advertising on the sides of trucks instead of public transport buses.

“We wanted to draw attention to this new format with this campaign,” the spokesman said.

If the collisions are any indication, it’s safe to say they succeeded. The spokesman went on to say that the company will compensate any charges for car repairs not covered by insurance.
Lol. Reminds me of the Modern Family episode where the family minivan said "I can't be satisfied".
I know a woman that was checking out a good looking man and the woman tripped on a broken brick on the sidewalk and she broken her arm.