BILL GATES VS GOOGLE.. *har har ha*?


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Sep 25, 2003
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Search and Destroy
Bill Gates is on a mission to build a Google killer. What got him so riled? The darling of search is moving into software—and that's Microsoft's turf.
By Fred Vogelstein

Microsoft was already months into A massive project aimed at taking down Google when the truth began to dawn on Bill Gates. It was December 2003. He was poking around on the Google company website and came across a help-wanted page with descriptions of all the open jobs at Google. Why, he wondered, were the qualifications for so many of them identical to Microsoft job specs? Google was a web search business, yet here on the screen were postings for engineers with backgrounds that had nothing to do with search and everything to do with Microsoft's core business—people trained in things like operating-system design, compiler optimization, and distributed-systems architecture. Gates wondered whether Microsoft might be facing much more than a war in search. An e-mail he sent to a handful of execs that day said, in effect, "We have to watch these guys. It looks like they are building something to compete with us."

He sure got that right. Today Google isn't just a hugely successful search engine; it has morphed into a software company and is emerging as a major threat to Microsoft's dominance. You can use Google software with any Internet browser to search the web and your desktop for just about anything; send and store up to two gigabytes of e-mail via Gmail (Hotmail, Microsoft's rival free e-mail service, offers 250 megabytes, a fraction of that); manage, edit, and send digital photographs using Google's Picasa software, easily the best PC photo software out there; and, through Google's Blogger, create, post online, and print formatted documents—all without applications from Microsoft.

While Google was launching those products—all of them free—Microsoft has been trying in vain to catch up in search. It has spent about $150 million on its search project, code-named Underdog. But Google and lately Yahoo keep leaping ahead with innovations like local-area search complete with maps and satellite photos, ways to search inside a video file, and search designed for cellphones.

Simply put, Google has become a new kind of foe, and that's what has Gates so riled. It has combined software innovation with a brand-new Internet business model—and it wounds Gates' pride that he didn't get there first. Since Google doesn't sell its search products (it makes its money from the ads that accompany its search results), Microsoft can't muscle it out of the marketplace the way it did rivals like Netscape. But what really bothers Gates is that Google is gaining the ability to attack the very core of Microsoft's franchise—control over what users do first when they turn on their computers.

Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page and CEO Eric Schmidt all say that any talk about supplanting Microsoft is ludicrous. But the idea that Google will one day marginalize Microsoft's operating system and bypass Windows applications is already starting to become reality. The most paranoid people at Microsoft even think "Google Office" is inevitable. Google is taking over operating system features too, like desktop search. There are fewer uses for the start button in Windows now that Google's desktop search can locate any program, document, photo, music file, or e-mail on a computer.

All of which helps explain why inside Microsoft, the battle with Google has become far more than a fight over search: It's a certifiable grudge match for king of the hill in high tech. "Google is interesting not just because of web search, but because they're going to try to take that and use it to get into other parts of software," says Gates as he leans forward in his chair, his body coiled as if he could spring to his feet at any second. "If all there was was search, you really shouldn't care so much about it. It's because they are a software company," he says. "In that sense," he adds later, "they are more like us than anyone else we have ever competed with."

Though CEO Steve Ballmer has been boss for five years, Gates, who is chairman and chief software architect, is leading the charge against Google. Forced to watch Google's stock soar the way Microsoft's used to, and Brin and Page enjoy their roles as tech's new rock stars, Gates brings to the fight a ferocity that nobody has seen since the Netscape war a decade ago. Their popularity gets under his skin. "There's companies that are just so cool that you just can't even deal with it," he says sarcastically, suggesting that Google is nothing more than the latest fad, adding, "At least they know to wear black."
From the May. 2, 2005 Issue

Location link: Bill Gates VS Google
Bill Gates & Microsoft are the biggest sore losers on this earth. Google rocks!

Nuff' said.
Magatsu said:
Bill Gates & Microsoft are the biggest sore losers on this earth. Google rocks!

Nuff' said.

i agree w/ above msg but gates is a brilliant engineer and businessman. u have to admit that it is damned hard to avoid them. great initial engineering. good to mediocre since (esp security) but the best marketing (and use of the power/evil of capitalism) ever.
I like Microsoft for their products, and I admire and respect Bill Gates for being extremely successful, but I love my Google. :wave:
Guys, perhaps I should be bit clear about my opinion of Microsoft or Bill Gates. Don't get me wrong, I applaused Bill Gates for his hard works to get where he is at right now. I am very grateful to have Windows since it is very flexible and easy to modify or adding the programs to my own liking...

However, I'm not agreeing with what Microsoft or Bill Gates did with "monopoly" situation. Or their anti-gay movement.
Wait til Microsoft rules the world with their fortune, what's this Earth worth? $954 trillion?
I can understand how you feel about monopoly, Megatsu, and that's fine. Honestly, I don't know much about the anti-gay movement supported by Bill Gates. He may be wrong when it comes to monopoly but didn't he also give millions to charity or is this some cover up? I'm not trying to challenge you or anything, I'm just curious to know. Maybe I should Google it up. ;)
Microsoft has given more than $17 billion in charity with their Gates Foundation based here near Downtown Seattle. No one in the world has given that much in charity.
Alex said:
I can understand how you feel about monopoly, Megatsu, and that's fine. Honestly, I don't know much about the anti-gay movement supported by Bill Gates. He may be wrong when it comes to monopoly but didn't he also give millions to charity or is this some cover up? I'm not trying to challenge you or anything, I'm just curious to know. Maybe I should Google it up. ;)
I am sure that he gave millions or even billions to charities but is it because of his 'good' heart with 'good' intention or is it because of keeping his 'image' clean and hopefully that people will eventually forget his monopoly obsession?

Just a thought.

btw, Alex, I am not trying to challenge you either, just want to argue or discuss for argument's sake :)
RustyLastCall05 said:
Bill Gates is gay man

Define gay? He is NOT gay, he has a wife and 2 children. Do you mean he's happy, that's other defination. :P

I was puzzled why Google scared Bill Gates so I had to put a hold on reading books for several days yesterday and looked for different articles to read (mostly, Znet). I happened to recheck this topic again and I realized that this article provided another link(s) that I was looking for. Here's the interesting excerpt:
Last quarter Google's Ebitda, Wall Street's proxy for operating income, totaled $321 million, vs. $322 million for nine-year-old eBay, $260 million for ten-year-old Yahoo, and $114 million for nine-year-old Amazon. Google is much smaller than those fellow dot-coms but is growing faster. Its sales and Ebitda each doubled last year and the year before that. Google's operating profit margin, at more than 60%, is bigger even than Microsoft's at its peak.

Alex, btw, Microsoft decided to back down (from newly anti-gay movement). Here's excerpt:
After being criticized for quietly dropping support for a state gay rights bill, Microsoft Corp. chief executive Steve Ballmer told employees Friday that management would publicly back such legislation in the future.

Ballmer's commitment came two weeks after activists accused the company of caving to pressure from an evangelical pastor who had threatened to launch a nationwide boycott of the software company.

''After looking at the question from all sides, I've concluded that diversity in the workplace is such an important issue for our business that it should be included in our legislative agenda,'' Ballmer wrote in an e-mail.

He made a smart move. I changed my attitude toward Microsoft a bit.
Magatsu said:

I was puzzled why Google scared Bill Gates so I had to put a hold on reading books for several days yesterday and looked for different articles to read (mostly, Znet). I happened to recheck this topic again and I realized that this article provided another link(s) that I was looking for. Here's the interesting excerpt:Ouch.

Alex, btw, Microsoft decided to back down (from newly anti-gay movement). Here's excerpt: Source:

He made a smart move. I changed my attitude toward Microsoft a bit.
he's just doing that to get poeple off thier back in regards to the statement on the anti gay statement... if i was that kind of person and they quickly changed statements its purely to shut poeple up i perfer google to do all my work cuz its all right there and more searchable stuff as well
javapride said:
he's just doing that to get poeple off thier back in regards to the statement on the anti gay statement... if i was that kind of person and they quickly changed statements its purely to shut poeple up i perfer google to do all my work cuz its all right there and more searchable stuff as well
That's what I suspected as well but I have to give them a benefit of doubt.
Magatsu said:

I was puzzled why Google scared Bill Gates so I had to put a hold on reading books for several days yesterday and looked for different articles to read (mostly, Znet). I happened to recheck this topic again and I realized that this article provided another link(s) that I was looking for. Here's the interesting excerpt:Ouch.

Alex, btw, Microsoft decided to back down (from newly anti-gay movement). Here's excerpt: Source:

He made a smart move. I changed my attitude toward Microsoft a bit.

From what my understanding.. MS is about 100x more powerful than Google.. in financial terms speaking.. MS still have at least over 40 billions in CASH only.. that doesn't included real estate, etc. MSFT stock is at well around 25'ish.. but P/E is at around 24... P/E (Pay and earning ratio) one of the important measure way to oversight of company's health. While.. Google is closer to peak of 100 P/E. That will take near 100 years to get break even!

What do you means by change attitude towards MSFT? I still hate MSFT in terms of EGOist of software industries. But MSFT still change way of our life forever. If it's not MSFT.. then we might don't have Sidekick! or Internet at all or No windows for everybody!

It has to do with PR issue and how it reflects of MSFT. I'm sure that MS can handle this matter themselves. They can solve it.. why HYPE into internet? I have no reason to against with gay issues.
bill gate :cuddle: me

because he is my hubby and we are not going to give you our forunate.
DeafCruise said:
From what my understanding.. MS is about 100x more powerful than Google.. in financial terms speaking.. MS still have at least over 40 billions in CASH only.. that doesn't included real estate, etc. MSFT stock is at well around 25'ish.. but P/E is at around 24... P/E (Pay and earning ratio) one of the important measure way to oversight of company's health. While.. Google is closer to peak of 100 P/E. That will take near 100 years to get break even!
Google is still a "baby". Wait and see how they can/will take it far to make Bill Gates pees in his pants. I can understand what you were trying to explain about economy but my question is: why Bill Gates declared a war on google? Maybe he knows something that we don't? In few months ago, Google and Mozilla teamed up to work on Firefox which unnerved Bill Gates faster than we can say "shit".

DeafCruise said:
What do you means by change attitude towards MSFT? I still hate MSFT in terms of EGOist of software industries. But MSFT still change way of our life forever. If it's not MSFT.. then we might don't have Sidekick! or Internet at all or No windows for everybody!

It has to do with PR issue and how it reflects of MSFT. I'm sure that MS can handle this matter themselves. They can solve it.. why HYPE into internet? I have no reason to against with gay issues.
I didn't change my attitude towards Microsoft in "term" of monopoly issue. I never will. But as for "back down" from anti-gay movement, that's the attitude I changed towards them. JP have a point, they may did that to get the heat off from them but I rather to give them a benefit of doubt than being blind by my hatred towards them.

Speaking of "what if"... even without Microsoft, we still will have the internet and Mac to fill up our "Microsoft" needs. Heck, they invented the internet before Microsoft created the the customer level of "Windows" version. Here's the history about Internet (link) and here's the history about Microsoft's Windows (link). I honestly think that it is inevitable for T-Mobile to create the SK ... even without Microsoft. It is just a matter of creativity and brainstorm.
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Doesn't matter still counts "monopolzited"(sp) Bill Gates ain't going give up and all he want sough finding making looks more an offer as buy it out!

er um.. er um.. Bill Gates for?

Ha Ha Eternity, Get your dreams more wetter! *scoff laughing*