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Dec 29, 2007
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A few people I know have heard of their friends and other people being eligible for a 2nd CI. They are over the age of the supposed age cut off for bilateral Implantation which is 18 years. What is the additional benefit of having 2? This has made me interested. I would prob never get a 2nd CI but does it actually help you hear more etc?
Many of my friends have Bilateral implants...and they have told me that they hear a lot better, that they hear 360 degree angle instead of 180 degree angle. My parents wants me to get another CI for my right ear... but I refuse.... I don't want to have another CI... one is enough for me.
The biggest difference is being able to tell direction of sound. I hear the same with 1 or 2 HAs except for sound direction. If I ever get a CI, one is enough and ill save the other ear for future technology.
There are several good reasons for getting a 2nd CI.

1) Can hear on either side - Useful in conversations
2) Sounds are fuller and richer - Makes it easier to understand speech
3) Sound localization - Not everybody does this well
4) One goes out and the other is still going - Think of a meeting
5) Better sense of what is going on around you
6) Hear better in noisy environments
sr171soars, I second it.

Lissa, I will get bilateral CI next year or few years later.
There are several good reasons for getting a 2nd CI.

1) Can hear on either side - Useful in conversations
2) Sounds are fuller and richer - Makes it easier to understand speech
3) Sound localization - Not everybody does this well
4) One goes out and the other is still going - Think of a meeting
5) Better sense of what is going on around you
6) Hear better in noisy environments
On the other hand, I do think that the canidacy requirements for a second implant need to be stricter then with the first implant.
Nothing wrong at ALL with someone who has very little benift from HA in either ear opting for bilateral implants. But the benifit from bilateral implants isn't as drastic. Basicly improved sound localization and better hearing in noise. Meaning it's a difference yes..........but not a HUGE enormous difference.
After all, many people can localize sound with a hearing aid......and difficulty hearing in noisy situtions is just a fact of life for hoh (INCLUDING unilateral people who are a) basicly "hearing" and b) very rarely aided)
I think that those who have absolutly no benifit from aiding (in either ear) should be able to get CI bilaterally easily. However, they should do it on a case by case basis for anyone else.
I will not get a 2nd CI but I was just curious
I would think the cost is a disadvantage too. Also if you experience pain from sore ear on one side think of double the pain with two. I would only recomend bilataral for deafblind users.