'Big Fat Black Lady' Angered by Gas Station Receipt


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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SACRAMENTO, CA - Helen Hodges understood the need for a gas station clerk to write her identifying information on a sales receipt. She just wishes he had chosen a different phrase.

"It says 'black lady,' and I can understand that because I am a black lady," Hodges told News10. "But I don't get 'big fat.' I don't get that part."

Hodges, 31, said the offensive incident happened Thursday night after she was shorted $10 in a gas pump mix-up at a station on Marconi Avenue near the Capital City Freeway. When she returned to the station for a refund, a $10 bill was attached to a receipt with a handwritten notation "black lady big fat."

Hodges said it was her 6-year-old son who noticed the slight, which hurt even more. She tried contacting the manager, but is still waiting for an apology.

"The lesson they should learn is my money helps run that store," Hodges said. "And I won't be going back."

"Big Fat Black Lady" Angered by Gas Station Receipt | News10.net | Sacramento, California | Local News
Maybe she should write, stupid, ignorant, rude clerk, and give the receipt back.:lol:
Feel it's just ignorance...not really knowing how to describe the lady...At least the guy didn't say the "N" word...which would have been racist, I think.

"Heavy set" or "approx. 3-400 lbs"...something in that order.

I've heard that to white people, most all blacks "look the same". And probably the blacks think that whites "look the same".

Anyhow, it would have upset me too. But what can you expect of a gas station attendant? Most are uneducated....should have gotten her tag or drivers license # ....

I would have said "Listen, you little scrawny, grease monkey, little fart! See you in court"!
It would have been far more appropriate to describe the customer with other details.

"lady, pink shirt, glasses"

"man, red tie, beard"
mostly black people know careful words for what needs and dont insults to cashiers,managers,whatsoevers if argues to that they can call to police and can arrest but its would be fined for good reasons needs..

many million black people going shopping and gas never argues for problems reasons needs if got mistakes and no sorry or apology as excuses if they derserves..

this articles is totally rude!!
mostly black people know careful words for what needs and dont insults to cashiers,managers,whatsoevers if argues to that they can call to police and can arrest but its would be fined for good reasons needs..

many million black people going shopping and gas never argues for problems reasons needs if got mistakes and no sorry or apology as excuses if they derserves..

this articles is totally rude!!

This article may be rude....but it happens everyday! It's out in the open now, as just about everyone is described in "a certain way".

As for black people being careful and not insulting.....say what?....My own son has been called "a white cracker".....Blacks & whites insult each other at times......Even families insult each other!

So get ur head out of the sand! Deafies can insult using ASL and hearing insult verbally, and deafies can't hear it.....and hearing don't know ASL....

I've been insulted before, even called "deaf and dumb"....by someone that was totally ignorant (a hearing person). So instead of insulting them back, or physically injuring the person, just giving them "a little education" will embarrass them!

This black lady handled this "with class". The owner needs to call or apologize to her "in person". Even tho' he didn't write or say anything, but his employee did.....
This article may be rude....but it happens everyday! It's out in the open now, as just about everyone is described in "a certain way".

As for black people being careful and not insulting.....say what?....My own son has been called "a white cracker".....Blacks & whites insult each other at times......Even families insult each other!

So get ur head out of the sand! Deafies can insult using ASL and hearing insult verbally, and deafies can't hear it.....and hearing don't know ASL....

I've been insulted before, even called "deaf and dumb"....by someone that was totally ignorant (a hearing person). So instead of insulting them back, or physically injuring the person, just giving them "a little education" will embarrass them!

This black lady handled this "with class". The owner needs to call or apologize to her "in person". Even tho' he didn't write or say anything, but his employee did.....

i didnt know that about your son

mostly people always insult to deaf people that no excuse i told people im deaf!! you cant read lips peroid some black people always nice to deaf people that would be good..
This really shows the lack of manners in the society.

The gas station attendant should had wrote down the color of her clothes to identify her instead of the description of what she looks like.
i didnt know that about your son

mostly people always insult to deaf people that no excuse i told people im deaf!! you cant read lips peroid some black people always nice to deaf people that would be good..

I notice that a lot of female blacks try harder to make sure that deaf understand them. White males are the worst for some reason.

That said, I have unpleasant memories of a black hearing math teacher who was anything but flexiable and sensitive regarding my deafness.
I think people are using "big" and "fat" as jokes nowadays. I think it has alot to do with the being green and saving the Earth and poor people in Africa. That gluttony is the worst offender of global warming and poverty which I do think a little bit is true.
It's not funny to the person who is called fat. People who make fun of fat people (or anyone else for that matter) are insecure and they're trying to build themselves up by tearing someone else down. It's not acceptable to call someone fat and everyone knows that it's an insult.

The whole "it's not healthy" and "it's not green" thing is an excuse. Why on earth would that give anyone the right to purposely hurt another person's feelings?
I think people are using "big" and "fat" as jokes nowadays. I think it has alot to do with the being green and saving the Earth and poor people in Africa. That gluttony is the worst offender of global warming and poverty which I do think a little bit is true.

Are you implying that people are fat because they engage in gluttony? Not all fat people are hedonistic bastards that eat too much, you know.
Are you implying that people are fat because they engage in gluttony? Not all fat people are hedonistic bastards that eat too much, you know.

no, but saying people make fat jokes these days because they think it is ok.

I know there are many diseases out there that make people more likely to become overweight.

I know that when I had depo shot for birth control, it made me gain weight like crazy. all the doctor told me is eat less and exercise more... but I still couldn't fight it off.

anyway, I know plenty of people who overeat but they exercise to burn off calories. So you never know that they actually eat more than the person who is overweight. most of the time they are overweight because lack of exercise especially due to health problems not because they eat too much. If you sit all day at your work in front of a computer desk, you are bound to gain weight while the person next to you who eat the same amount of food as you do is very active.
in fact, I was just watching "Jacob two two" cartoon and it had an overweight principal named Mr. Greedyguts... and his nose had a look of a pig.
This really shows the lack of manners in the society.

The gas station attendant should had wrote down the color of her clothes to identify her instead of the description of what she looks like.

the color of skin is easier to remember than the color of clothes. the gas station you frequent to - can you remember the color of shirt he wore on that day when you went for refill?

as for me - all I remember is.... my gas attendant is "tall brown. Indian. thin." :lol: