Best Interpreter In The World! (vid)

YouTube - Best interpreter in the WORLD

later ill try to type down exactly what he says... he have VERY strong ASL and my primary language is english so it will take me a while to type it down for hearies :)

in EXACT ASL...(whew that is HARD work taking signs into text!)

MUST TELL YOU! happened yesterday recent yesterday
me walk...walk...walk..saw something..walk *puzzled* walk backward
saw something whats that? whats up? have that man tall-no short, small, short hair, with clothes strange, like wrapped on or something. looking at him, thinking "why not see what happen" me walking toward him. met man name "sign name" (no name spelled here)WOW BEST! WORLD WHOLE different interpreter whole world number 1 interpreter BEST! know everything! mexican sign language, chinese sign language, russian (?) sign language, many different list endless any! he knows. perfect sign language, interpreting, translating, whatever you want
me approached him "how you best?"

he story me can sign.. my name "sign name" (again no name spelled here) umm tend other interpreters on stage awkward nervous looking like an idiot, awkward interpreting, pause to listen, understood and resume interpreting, acting like a saint, with no expression, interpreting to audience. audience sleepy, sleepy, fell asleep. me look at them, not satisflied, not acceptable me can best. my name "sign name"elite! i can so i study and learn. studied hard for many years. very intelligent. me best!

me look at him and impressed

me easy on stage, *acting like hes confident*, pulls sleeves back, ready for large audience
me sign expertly shocking everyone off their seats. this interpreter saint, me elite, he interpreting ok, me interpreting expert. on everything. i can do! i am best! top! fyi

me look at him very impressed. me shocked how you number 1 me admire , wow WOW
in china, number 1 interpreter in whole whole world
whew oh! have pictures! perfect! will show. i took pictures 3 of them show best fanstastic! man interpreter. name "sign name" because he is elite. me look with shock, wow WOW im impressed, blown me away allway back! best! show now

In english

I MUST TELL YOU! It happened yesterday. i was walking when i saw something that puzzled me so i walked backward to check it out. i saw a man that is short with short hair. he is wearing strange clothings. i think to myself "hm why not we will see what happens" i walked toward him and found out his sign name. WOW! he is BEST IN WHOLE WORLD! there is so many different interpreters in whole world but he is number 1 BEST intepreter. He knows everything! Could sign in mexican, chinese, russian, and many more. the list is endless. he knows perfectly in sign language, interpreting, translating and whatever you want. i approached him and asked "how are u best at this?"
He began his story,"oh i can! my name is "sign name". Other intepreters tend to be very awkard on the stage being nervous and looking like an idiot. their interpreting skills is awkard, and they have to pause to listen then resume to interprete. they think they are so saint with no expression. the audience get very sleepy and falling asleep. i watch them and i wasnt satisflied. It is not acceptable. I can do better. my name is "sign name" ELITE! I can so i studied and learned everything. I studied very hard for many years. I am very intelligent. I am the Best!"
I am shocked and was impressed.
He added,"For your information,it is easy for me to get on stage, feeling confident, i pull my sleeves back and i am ready for a large audience. I am so expert in sign langage that it shocked everyone off their seats. they, interpreters are too saint, their skills are not good enough. i am an expert interpreter on everything. I can do! I am the best! the top!
I was very impressed as i listened to him. I am very shocked how he is number 1. I admired him. wow, WOW.In china he is number ONE interpreter in the whole world. WHEW! OH! I have pictures! perfect! I will show you. I took 3 pictures to show. he is the best fanstastic! The intepreter's name "sign name" is because he is elite. I am shocked! wow WOW im very impressed, completely blown away! The best! I will show now.

I will not spoil the last part of the video with pictures :-P

for you all who do not know signs very well... google for the sign langage for "interpreter" then compare to the pictures and im sure ull get it.
That was awesome. My hearing wife and I are fully understood what he says in ASL. It was quite funny and she got giggled too
Funny, thanks for the type out. I understood most of it, but got alittle confused in the middle lol.

Still learning ASL, good to see videos to help me
The problem with most ASL signers is that they repeat themselves too much. This guy in video was probably the worst I've ever seen.
I don't think that would be true? I thought that he is probably
mocking-- maybe it's April Fool's Day? :dunno:
I know those people are not perfect as being humans.