Best Horror Movie


New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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I would say Psycho and JAWS....... there was a couple of others that was pretty good - sixth sense was good but I wouldnt put it in the horror category although it is for some reason...

I feel that the horror movies lately really really are cheesy and SUCK!!!
ive been told THE RING is very good -- ive not seen it yet so i cant put in my vote abt this movie YET LOL
I like a lot lot lot of horror movies... so many The shining, It,The Dead Zone, oh so many but of course I do like THE RING too. The RING give me goose bumps. wow! I like it.
The Ring or People Under the Stairs. I am sure the movie, Excorcist is the best although i have not seen it yet.
The ring and the most grossiest goes to The Ghost Ship... I RECOMMEND Ghost Ship to those that luvs to see blood and gore!
I vote...

Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal and Red Dragon
I love horror thrillers. Another good one is Anatomie.
Halloween!! ,Stephen King movies, Jaws 1,2,3, Living from the Dead,Friday the 13th movies!


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