Best favorite movie of all-time

Dismal Shadow

"Yours. Not mine."
Premium Member
Apr 18, 2006
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Do you have a favorite? You can only pick one. Weather it's historian or modern, true story or fiction. My favorite all time is "The Greatest Game Ever Played" This movie touches me.
My favorite movie is the Indiana Jones.
Terminator 2 : Judgement Day.

Never get tired of watching this more than 20 times so far. :)
Too hard to decide on just one favorite movie, but one would definitely be Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind.
Shawshank Redemption is my all time favorite, hands down.
Science fiction fan

Star Wars Episode IV, V, and VI. :) I, II, and III were not too bad. :)

I'm also a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings films.
Star Wars Episode IV, V, and VI. :) I, II, and III were not too bad. :)

I'm also a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings films.

Although I'm a big Star Wars fan, I HATED episode I! To this day I simply cannot sit thru it. The sight of Jar Jar Binks makes me want to get violent. :mad2:
Although I'm a big Star Wars fan, I HATED episode I! To this day I simply cannot sit thru it. The sight of Jar Jar Binks makes me want to get violent. :mad2:

Yea...epsiode 1 was horrible lol the story was good, but acting is terrible...especially the boy who plays as the future darth vader. I seriously hated those annoying lines when he said stuff like "its not my fault! really!" and "yipeeee!" makes me want to kick him the film this instantly. It was too weird to see a boy falling in love with a girl who is afew years older than him obviously she is a teenager so the boy should be around the same age as her...would've been cooler that way to start the story with the boy as a teenager somehow. But oh well I guess George Lucas just didnt care how crappy the first espiode was thou he knows he would earn lots of $$$ from it. :roll: epsiode 2 was OKAY but ehh I seriously hate the looks on anakin skywalker who have a FUCKING rat tail. :roll: Serioulsy way out of style. Epsiode III was pretty just about right. :) It was a real pity that he was "brainwashed" by that old guy who was secrectly the emperor thou I thought he's smart enough not to trust anything he says. But *scoffs* oh well.
ep 1 was lacking

Although I'm a big Star Wars fan, I HATED episode I! To this day I simply cannot sit thru it. The sight of Jar Jar Binks makes me want to get violent. :mad2:

Ep I is my least favorite. Jar Jar is ANNOYING, no argument. Ep II and III were better. I liked the forbidden romance in II. :)
EP 3 delivers

Yea...epsiode 1 was horrible lol the story was good, but acting is terrible...especially the boy who plays as the future darth vader. I seriously hated those annoying lines when he said stuff like "its not my fault! really!" and "yipeeee!" makes me want to kick him the film this instantly. It was too weird to see a boy falling in love with a girl who is afew years older than him obviously she is a teenager so the boy should be around the same age as her...would've been cooler that way to start the story with the boy as a teenager somehow. But oh well I guess George Lucas just didnt care how crappy the first espiode was thou he knows he would earn lots of $$$ from it. :roll: epsiode 2 was OKAY but ehh I seriously hate the looks on anakin skywalker who have a FUCKING rat tail. :roll: Serioulsy way out of style. Epsiode III was pretty just about right. :) It was a real pity that he was "brainwashed" by that old guy who was secrectly the emperor thou I thought he's smart enough not to trust anything he says. But *scoffs* oh well.

Ep II and III were way better. I did not like the child actor for Anakin in Ep I. They should have cast Hayley Joel Osmet instead. Sure, he's older than Lucas wanted, but he can act... Maybe he was too famous because of The Sixth Sense.

I did like Hayden Christensen. Have you seen Jumpers or the other movie he did about a lying newsmagazine writer? :)

Padme had some weird hair do's but I don't worry about that. :) I liked her Ep II costumes best. :) The picnic dress was so feminine and pretty! I've seen a lot of costumers online recreating it. (I sew costumes for a medieval re-enactment group called The Society of Creative Anachronism-SCA for short.)

I like how they tried to cast actors looking like they could be related to Luke and Leia from the earlier films.

The original films will always be my favorite, though!

"Will someone get this walking carpet out of my way?" Leia, Ep. IV, walking in the hall on Death Star I.

"What an amazing smell you've discovered!"-Han, Ep. IV, scene where they go in the garbage chute.

"Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda, Ep. V, Luke, training scene on Dagobah

"I love you." -Leia, Ep. V, "I know."-Han, Ep. V-Carbonite freezing scene

There's so many great quotes!! :)

One of my favorite quote from old Star Wars:
R2D2: *beep whistle beep*
C3PO: Don't you call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease!
I enjoyed Episode III very much. Aside from a few groan inducing lines of dialogue between Padme and Anakin, I'd say that George Lucas got the tone of this one right. I've heard alot of negative things about Hayden in this film but I really don't think he could have played the role any better. Episode II was pretty good too. I think that Anakin should have gotten a swift kick in the pants for being such a brat, but I digress.

One of my favorite quote from old Star Wars:
R2D2: *beep whistle beep*
C3PO: Don't you call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease!

That's a good one, too!

How about, "I am NOT a committee!" -Princess Leia, shouting at Han, Melennium Falcon in cave scene, Ep V

I loved her SPUNK. :)

"Governor Tarkin. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board."-Ep. IV, just before they blow up Alderaan.


I enjoyed Episode III very much. Aside from a few groan inducing lines of dialogue between Padme and Anakin, I'd say that George Lucas got the tone of this one right. I've heard alot of negative things about Hayden in this film but I really don't think he could have played the role any better. Episode II was pretty good too. I think that Anakin should have gotten a swift kick in the pants for being such a brat, but I digress.

Lucas should have hired some other people to write the dialogue... like he did with the classic SW films.

He got it right with Ep. III, though...

It made me cry when Padme realized Ben was telling her the truth about Ani. He just wouldn't listen. She ignored his behaviorial warning signs because she was in love, and she didn't want to admit that he had a problem. The other Jedi were too consumed with their own selves to notice, and Ben let it go that Padme and Ani were having a secret relationship (forbidden marriage) because he loved him like a brother. I think he just wanted him to be happy.

There's a book that I missed buying, a Star Wars book, that indicated Ben had a girl or love interest... forgot the title.

I have a friend in Canada who is a die-hard SW fan and buys tons of the books. He might know what its title was... But I think if there was more to him that we saw in the film, that might explain why he let Anakin get away with breaking the rules. (Remember he said that they would kick him out of the order if he broke them?)

Hayden was supposed to play Anakin as a petulant, spoilt brat--otherwise how would we believe a sweet, innocent kid goes to the Dark Side and becomes the universe's center of all evil embodied in a black suit and helmet? :) (Well, second after the Emperor, that is... He is REALLY much, much more mean, vile, and insidiously evil.)

It would have HELPED if the deleted scene of Anakin in that fight in Ep I with an alien kid did NOT get cut... He had a temper. That would have cut some of the criticism about his character development. He was shown as a selfless kid in the first film, but fear was supposed to be his downfall after he was taken from his mom.

By the way, if you read the novelizations, they explain his character much, much better. If you can find it, read it. They explain more about how the young Jedis were trained, too.

The novel for Ep II is outstanding compared to the one for I. You learn a lot more about Padme's background, stuff that was in a few deleted scenes from Ep. II, but were mainly trimmed out for time on the finished film.

I'd like to see extended versions of these movies (all 6) someday... like Lord of the Rings. :) Maybe I'm dreaming, but it would be nice!
i love watch best movie and get oscar,golden globes and sag for derserves!

i do love watch:
Mary Poppins
Dark Knight