Best Cell Phone for Phonak?


New Member
Jan 11, 2010
Reaction score
Do you have a favorite bluetooth cell phone to use with Phonak Naida? Much appreciate any input you can give. Thanks!! Marsha
:welcome: to Alldeaf, Marsha. :)

No idea. I will probably find something that is compatible with my Certenas when I do go looking for a cell phone, but that won't be for a while.
mpsure: introduce yourself here and then post your question in either HA & CI forum, or Technology forum!
Welcome to AD!
mpsure: introduce yourself here and then post your question in either HA & CI forum, or Technology forum!
Welcome to AD!

:gpost: :gpost:

mpsue, I know you had difficult finding where you want to ask question about technology. I do not know anything about what you mention. Just have fun reading while browsing and post all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Welcome here. If you wear Naida get Sidekick as this means you are deaf. ;)