Baby shower


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2004
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mostly first time mother who have baby shower host by their family or friends at house or church,etc and dont like have baby shower as trust by family or friend dues respectives.

you have first time baby shower or more tell story
I have been 2 times baby shower so there will be 3 times soon ..

My first time went baby shower who is deaf lady it was okay for me cuase I was way shy not much talk lol and there is no games :( I love games lol

2nd time went my old hearing friend's baby shower it was FUN! playing game hard explian cause it is been long time ago that some of it cant remember lol

there will be baby shower coming up on Nov 26 for my sister lol cant wait go there soon lol :lol:
My wife's 1st baby shower was held by her sister and was at my in-laws house. the secound was held at a part and her sister held that one too. It was nice, cause we also held my son's 3rd birthday at the same time. It was kinda perfet timing.
Oh yeah I forgot one more that it is my 3rd time went to babyshower

one of friend, my cousin, my other old hearing friend.. so there will coming up on nov 26 of my sister so it will be my 4th times lol :lol: oops I forgot to add one more is my cousin lol hahaha
I think that a baby shower can be for anyone. To make it easier, keep it focused on friends only. You could make it a surprise baby shower at work like my friends did a couple years ago. You could plan it with the pregnant gal as well as she will tell you who she wants to visit.

However, I would suggest you keep it to friends who WILL RESPECT the pregnant guest of honor.

I once went to a party where all the girls (and a couple guys) stayed with the pregnant guest of honor and all the other guys were either in the basement drinking from a keg, playing drinking games, or upstairs doing weed... with the father of the child.