Awesome Add-On for Win2k/XP!!!



I borrowed my roommate's computer to print something and logged into his WinXP account. Then his desktop came up and saw something different that replaced his normal taskbar. I went, "Whoa! Shit, that looks cool! I thought only Mac OS X have that??" I asked him what it was and he told me it is called ObjectDock. You can check out the screenshot. From the developer's site, it reads: "ObjectDock is a program that allows you to have a nice animated launchbar/taskbar on your screen that reacts to your mouse when you mouse over it. In short, it's a task bar and program launcher that does it with style." It almost look like Mac OS X's launchbar with floating icons. Check it out if you got Win2k or WinXP! It's FREE!

Why not make a copy of your desktop and show us exactly what it looks like? It's hard to see it with just the taskbar in the image.

I don't leave my taskbar on my desktop. It disappears when I am not moving my mouse over that area, and it shows the whole desktop picture. So maybe installing this will defeat this purpose.
Thanks for the wonderful website! I just downloaded this and this feels like I am on Mac! I am trying to remember how to stop the taskbar from ever showing up.

EDIT- I found where to disable the taskbar, thanks again!
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That taskbar's size is easily adjusted by going to the ObjectDock options and shrink or increase the pixel size of the icons.