Australian Male


New Member
Jul 17, 2011
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Hi, im an Aussie Deaf man.

I was born deaf due to Rubella, but with thanks to Hearing aids and the Ling System, i was able to hear and talk fluently.

I never learned to sign language (other than basic ones and rude ones)

Im 27 years olf, residing in Perth, Westrn Australia.

Im single and have no kids

I work as a Delivery Driver for a horse feed company.

I enjoy Reading books, watching Movies and learn all about History, especually in Europe (mostly Great Britian)

I have a passion for Music, noticably Vangelis, Enigma and Film Scores.

so.. withoug further ado,

HI!! :P

:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. We do have some deaf Australians here on AD. I hope they will come to greet you here. You will learn a lot about us, Deafies and HOH (Hard Of Hearing). So enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Welcome aboard, Sparty. What is the Ling System?

I became deaf because of Rubella, too.
G'day Sparty,

Welcome to AD, I'm one of the deaf Australians here, one of the regulars ;)

Enjoy your stay, mate.