Australian CODA Award promotes the abuse of deaf people

I'm not sure what you are asking, but CODA is Child of Deaf Adults. They usually use this term on hearing children who have deaf parents.

CODA means Child of Deaf Adults.
A good video to watch. The person in the video, Julie Judd, explains her concerns about the Queensland government awarding four million dollars to the Hear and Say Centre, which is a totally audist institution. She is completely in support of Auslan, Autralian Sign Language.
The video is certainly worth watching so you can draw your own conclusions.
Yeah, Beo, with the CC, it was fascinating to watch Auslan. Powerful message, too.
CODA is a hearing Child Of Deaf Adults. She is very expert with her signs. Her signs is similar with ASL but little different with Auslan sign language. Yes, she is expressing that the government had put a lot of money like 4 millions dollars to keep the oral only programs going, no Auslan or any other accommodations for the Deaf children. She strongly feel that the children should use Auslan better than trying to read or/and speak oral. She thinks that it is too much pressure to force children to do oral when they are having problem not understanding what the person/people were saying. Seldom CODA really don't stand up for us to fight for our rights, but this CODA from Australia can do something about it and express her feelings. Good for her. Bravo. :applause: :D
What a wonderful woman standing up for her beliefs. And I agree with her 100%