

New Member
Mar 6, 2003
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I know you may think its silly but I was wondering the levels of your hearing loss

I am minus 125 and possible more (some parts are untestable) which means I am profound deaf in both ears since birth
Originally posted by funnybebe78
:repost: there is a thread for forums that disucss about hearing aids :mrgreen:

this thread talks about DBs specifically if you check the other thread you will see the difference

I am asking about the levels of each person's HEARING LOSS......
Mine is 85 DB in both of my ears, so therefore, I have severe hearing loss. I am sensitive to loud noises. I can able to identify the specific noises: trains, car muffler, and shouting at the close distance.
Whew! I retired from stupid hearing aids since 1992. Not need to know about db for both my ears. Peace with stupid tiny device!!!!
This thread will be moved to Hearing Aids / Cochlear implant related!..

my last time i had a hearing test in 1994 as my consulants say i dont need to go again as i remember i got no sound repsonse on my right ear as i only recived 2-3 sound on my left ear, so guess i am profound deaf or full deaf dunno wat the different with profound deaf-full deaf...
Mine is mild to profund sharply sloping pre-lingual

About 85 db to 112 db that I can hear well without hearing aids.
Originally posted by allisonjoy
Nooo idea, all I know is that im profound deaf, hehe.
ditto here have no idea but I was borned hearing until I was 2 year old having too much ear infection so went into open surgery than after that... deaf... my mother know what's my level.. who care!
Mild-moderate-moderatly severe low frequncy loss. It's a really weird loss. I can have a spoken conversation with some people with high voices and good "professional speaker" voices without my aids OR speechreading but I cannot hear thunder!