AudioFuzzy (Taking discussion out of another thread)

a l i v e

posts from hell
Oct 21, 2013
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I did not want to continue trashing the other thread that was started by our young member.

Fuzzy, you asked for researches. I am still surprised at the fact you did.

Feel free to read any one of these.

Link to researches showing higher prevalence of mental illness among the deaf population.

If you look enough you'll find that these researches demonstrates one of the biggest reasons of mental health issues popping up is because of lack of communication in a child's formative years. This can be applied to the hyperfocus of hearing/speech therapy, taking a child's valuable time away from social functions.

One of the most simplest answer to this is introducing ASL to the deaf child.

Thankfully things are changing, starting at the delivery room in the hospitals around the USA.
Did you actually read these yourself? or just titles?

Thank you for providing these.

You merely provided links to the articles that state how
among the deaf population there is higher prevalence of mental illness than in the general population, and that's it.

But in no way it says it is specifically related to the parents who do not want to use ASL, sorry.

to let you know, to read the first article you need to log in (I don't) (and maybe pay) if you want to open it.

In the second article it wasn't so much about prevalence of mental illness among deaf as generally about disabilities among deaf, so not what we are looking for.

the third article was indeed a little interesting b/c it says:

Mental health problems seemed most prevalent in families with poor parent-child communication.

unfortunately, it doesn't says whether or not "poor communication" means that in these families were just poor communication - like, as in dysfunctional families, or specifically it means poor hearing to deaf communication- which would be what we are looking for.
it doesn't says which. just "poor".

another interesting and significant albeit sad bit is:

Deaf children with relatively low intelligence showed more social problems, thought problems, and attention problems than those with relatively high intelligence.

which reminds me a case of Hellen Keller who was first suspected of low intelligence, later showed she was just deaf and blind.

however, it's true, if one have problem expressing yourself and understanding others due to one's - I am sorry, I don't want be harsh but don't know how to better express this - limited mental capabilities, one do tend to be more frustrated and easily upset.

The fourth is basically the praises for colleagues who discovered that 1. it is better to communicate with deaf in sign language,
2. there is connection "between family patterns and social- intellectual-linguistic development of deaf children.
again, nothing specific about the use or not of ASL by the hearing parents.

the fifth concerns the review of literature about the subject of deafness and mental illness and various similar subjects.

The sixth basically says the deaf people need better access to health care.
this is interesting bit:

Research into factors affecting mental health of deaf children shows that early access to effective communication with family members and peers is desirable. Improved access to health and mental health care can be achieved by provision of specialist services with professionals trained to directly communicate with deaf people and with sign-language interpreters.

they go on and on like that, but none of them states that parents who wont
use sign langue are responsible for mental illness of deaf individuals.
it's just isn't that simple.

I do believe it plays a role, but it isn't one single factor that causes emotional distress or mental illness in the life of a deaf person.

can honestly any one person on this board say yes, it was ONLY the lack of my parents ASL that ruined my life?
how about friends, school, work, even just going out there to the store etc etc that contribute to your distress and emotional breakdown?

I've seen stories here on the board. I'm still surprised you haven't. You've been here almost 10 years?
For what it's worth, I really dislike how you frame things. That's why I am going to be short with you.

it was ONLY the lack of my parents ASL that ruined my life?

For a lot, the weak foundation of communication affected their lives. Some still struggle in their 40's, 50's, and beyond.

I posted a general link because it has been done over and over and over and over showing the same thing that everyone knows.

I saw several researches showing the impact of ASL as well. I forget where they are, though.
I never denied it didn't.

Sorry, but the facts are what they are - the links you provided do not support what you tried to show- they do not support your opinion that lack of signing ability on the hearing parents side alone is the root of all evil.

Also, yes, I did read many stories here how the lack of proper communication
within hearing/deaf families is the source of distress and misery of many deaf people here.
I myself experienced that. Still am.

But that doesn't mean it is THE ONLY reason of mental illness, or its prevalence among deaf, period.

I agree that it MAY add, absolutely, but it not necessarily always does.
Some people do not mind their parents not knowing ASL, and many do.
then again, some don't.
and yet, those who don't mind their parents not signing, still may have some mental illness.
how do you explain that?

last but not least - please don't be upset with me if something is not going to your liking.


How many times does a research turn out completely opposite from acdenetonal evidence?

What you proposed in the other thread, by leaving things alone "Parents know the best", is like you coming up and seeing a feral child in a household and say nothing just because parents know the best.

Not me. I speak for people who suffers.

I'm done with you. Not upset. Just because you're being difficult. There was actually no need to say "cite your sources" in this case. Especially since you experienced the same thing yourself. I have no energy to spend on trying to see if you're willing to work towards a common goal.

Once you're ready, I'm ready.
I agree, it's better if we just leave it - I have my opinion, you have yours.
We both tried.

No hard feelings, at least on my part :)
