Audi appt


Active Member
Sep 9, 2014
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Went to my Audi appointment today cause I noticed I don't like to concentrate on verbal conversations any more so I thought it was just me being lazy. And I have had an ear infection for a few weeks now.

My left ear drum is a little swollen and red and I have pain in my ear so I have to see a doctor to see what I need to clear it up.

Before in March 2013 I was told I have moderate to sever loss in my right and moderate in my left. And now I have sever moderate in my left and profound loss in my right. Sorta sad and now I really need to get my left hearing aid.
When was the last time you went to an ENT? Forget the regular doctor and go to the ENT. If your ear drum is a little swollen and red it means you have fluid behind it and it will skew your audiogram results. Get it cleared up and then have another hearing test, the numbers will probably be better. Good luck!