this is the proof.
Conversation with Jimij12 on 8/23/2010
BLuEyedSouL2009, Jimij12
Jimij12: hi
BLuEyedSouL2009: Hey
BLuEyedSouL2009: Who are you?
Jimij12: jim from alldeaf
BLuEyedSouL2009: I see.
BLuEyedSouL2009: So u iusually IM everyone from alldeaf or what
Jimij12: saw that ur single
Jimij12: yea
BLuEyedSouL2009: What?
Jimij12: but mostly girls
Jimij12: how old r u
BLuEyedSouL2009: Really? Lol where's that I said single?
Jimij12: singles area i think
BLuEyedSouL2009: I don't think so.... Wrong person
Jimij12: r u not single
BLuEyedSouL2009: Maybe not
Jimij12: lol
BLuEyedSouL2009: Okie
Jimij12: how old r u
BLuEyedSouL2009: Ummm over 21
Jimij12: I'm 31
BLuEyedSouL2009: Oic
Jimij12: i like older
Jimij12: how old r u really
BLuEyedSouL2009: Still 20s in my heart though
BLuEyedSouL2009: I'm younger than you anyway
Jimij12: ok
BLuEyedSouL2009: Yeah
Jimij12: i will warn u I'm horny lol
Jimij12: i am really hard
BLuEyedSouL2009: Uh...ok
Jimij12: do u like it hard
Jimij12: do u have nice breast
BLuEyedSouL2009: Doesn't matter. My boobs are for my bf's eyes only
Jimij12: oh so i bet they r nice
Jimij12: big to suck on
BLuEyedSouL2009: Ok. I guess I'm going to post your ims in alldeaf.
Jimij12: why
BLuEyedSouL2009: Why not?
Jimij12: ok i guess
Jimij12: I'm just flirting
BLuEyedSouL2009: Oh really.
BLuEyedSouL2009: Flirt like pervert does
Jimij12: yea
Jimij12: i don't even knw u
BLuEyedSouL2009: Like duh.
Jimij12: i just having fun
BLuEyedSouL2009: For yourself, yes and for others don't see that way
Jimij12: but i will leave u alone
BLuEyedSouL2009: Whatever
Jimij12: why
Jimij12: do u wanna play
Jimij12: or better i leave
BLuEyedSouL2009: Play games is stupid and bored
BLuEyedSouL2009: I think u have more than 1 AD username
Jimij12: u want real
Jimij12: no just one
BLuEyedSouL2009: I think I ku enough for real.

thanks for showing
Jimij12: look i am hearin
Jimij12: i knw asl
BLuEyedSouL2009: Haha wow...that's nice way to fool deafies.
BLuEyedSouL2009: I'm not scared of u
Jimij12: have worked as interpreter for mwny years
Jimij12: I'm not foolin u
BLuEyedSouL2009: I see. Good for u. Its the first to encouter an interpreter online who's truly a pervert
BLuEyedSouL2009: 258
Jimij12: tmw i will give u my vp number
Jimij12: not perv
Jimij12: 258???
Jimij12: u there
BLuEyedSouL2009: Yeah I'm still here
BLuEyedSouL2009: Haha since u worked as a interpreter...and knowledge of ASL you would know what 258 is
BLuEyedSouL2009: Hearie interpreter has VP? Wow....
BLuEyedSouL2009: Guess it wasn't free for you at cost
Jimij12: what u mean 258
Jimij12: i have a p3 notebook
BLuEyedSouL2009: Oh yeah...I've heard about that
Jimij12: with a purple number
BLuEyedSouL2009: Yeah, cool
Jimij12: its nice
BLuEyedSouL2009: I'm sure it is.
BLuEyedSouL2009: Some of my friends have it as well
Jimij12: yea i like cuz its mobile
BLuEyedSouL2009: Same here....BB curve mobile
Jimij12: i have htc evo
BLuEyedSouL2009: Oh yeah I was thinking about to get one
Jimij12: its really nice
Jimij12: hey 258 vrs is what u meant
BLuEyedSouL2009: Nope...
BLuEyedSouL2009: Very Interesting. That's what.
Jimij12: i guess i don't knw
Jimij12: I'm out in cali
BLuEyedSouL2009: Ahh....
BLuEyedSouL2009: I'm out in east
Jimij12: ohhh
Jimij12: why u up so early
BLuEyedSouL2009: Well, I have 2 interpreter friends in Cali. They know what it means.
BLuEyedSouL2009: Why not? I'm all nighter
Jimij12: oh baby
BLuEyedSouL2009: Oh well
Jimij12: do u like doin it all nite
Jimij12: any special way u like
BLuEyedSouL2009: Not really. Just can't sleep. I plan to do the errands later in the morning
Jimij12: oh
BLuEyedSouL2009: Yeah... How about you? Its past 1 am over there
Jimij12: fuck i hate having hard on
Jimij12: i have hard on n won't go away
BLuEyedSouL2009: Okay, I don't know if ur being serious or just playing
Jimij12: I'm serios
Jimij12: its been hard for an hr now
Jimij12: i wish i had a wet pussy
Jimij12: id eat it first
BLuEyedSouL2009: Cool. My bf is right up here...I always show m everything. what another stranger guys say online
Jimij12: ok
Jimij12: just ride it
BLuEyedSouL2009: :roll:
Jimij12: lol
Jimij12: its big u will like
BLuEyedSouL2009: Yawn
BLuEyedSouL2009: I've seen a deaf guy with 12 incher 4 inch diameter
BLuEyedSouL2009: He's from cali.

Jimij12: did it go in u
Jimij12: or is that too big for u
BLuEyedSouL2009: No. Just knew the guy from online
Jimij12: oh
BLuEyedSouL2009: So ur scared to post anything in AD
BLuEyedSouL2009: Lurker is a coward...even a stalker. U know that?
Jimij12: what ur bra size
Jimij12: really
Jimij12: ok i didn't knw
BLuEyedSouL2009: Yes you do. U checked out on I know what your thing is.
BLuEyedSouL2009: That's fucked up.
Jimij12: what's my thing
Jimij12 signed in.
BLuEyedSouL2009: You answer it and you know it urself.
BLuEyedSouL2009: No time for games
Jimij12: I'm lookin for an open minded girl
Jimij12: that's all
BLuEyedSouL2009: Not surprised.
Jimij12: gn
Jimij12 signed out.
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