Attacks around world follow ISIS Ramadan message


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
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Day of terror: Islamist attacks around world follow ISIS' Ramadan message

Terrorists struck around the world Friday, beheading a man in France, gunning down dozens on a beach and Tunisia and launching a suicide attack on a mosque in Kuwait in a series of attacks that followed an ISIS leaders' call to make the month of Ramadan a time of "calamity for the infidels…."

Man beheaded in Ramadan attack
Authorities are warning of possible terrorist threats around the July 4 holiday, CNN said. :Ohno:
There is going to be extra police at the Independence Day celebration on the Esplanade in Boston . This a great concern b/c Boston was bombed already . I wish we could wipe Isis off the map! :mad:
There is going to be extra police at the Independence Day celebration on the Esplanade in Boston . This a great concern b/c Boston was bombed already . I wish we could wipe Isis off the map! :mad:

The bitter irony of it all of course is isis exists due to american hubris, as well as support,
If one cared to look, one would easily find how american policy not just the invasion of iraq which alowed groups such as these to florish but actuall support for them against Asad. Isis is just a culmination of american bluders and horrible deads..irag is case in point, that invasion, was and truly was a horrible blunder, as well as illagal, contrary to international law, and established rules for nations.
Lets not let facts get in the way of a diScusion
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America is not world police. We are world bully. We need to stop meddling in everyone else's affairs.
America is not world police. We are world bully. We need to stop meddling in everyone else's affairs.

Yep. American meddling is the direct reason why groups such as isis, et all even were able to exist...
Once saddam was done and a vacumme left, and iraq raped....what did any one.rewlly expect..
(Shakes head)
Yep. American meddling is the direct reason why groups such as isis, et all even were able to exist...
Once saddam was done and a vacumme left, and iraq raped....what did any one.rewlly expect..
(Shakes head)
Correct we think every country should be a capitalist democracy when that is not even what we are. America is a capitalist Oligarchy. Iraq was a perfect example of what happens when you try and force democracy on a country that is not ready for, and does not want it.
America is not world police. We are world bully. We need to stop meddling in everyone else's affairs.

Sadly this will never happen... it requires Americans to realize this and that will never happen....
Islamic terrorists are evil people--they aren't freedom fighters. They kill innocent civilian people who have nothing to do with their political grievances. They kill men, women and children, young or old, Christian, Jew or Muslim or non-believer of any kind. They destroy historic sites and relics. They make sex slaves of captive girls. It doesn't matter to them whether or not there is any strategic value to what they do. Burning, beheading or drowning people won't bring anyone peace or freedom.

I suppose the Axis considered the US a meddler and bully when we joined the Allies in WWII. I'm sure Germany would have preferred that we never cross the Atlantic and interfere with their plans for the final solution.

Islamic terrorists have no one to blame for their actions except themselves.
Islamic terrorists are evil people--they aren't freedom fighters. They kill innocent civilian people who have nothing to do with their political grievances. They kill men, women and children, young or old, Christian, Jew or Muslim or non-believer of any kind. They destroy historic sites and relics. They make sex slaves of captive girls. It doesn't matter to them whether or not there is any strategic value to what they do. Burning, beheading or drowning people won't bring anyone peace or freedom.

I suppose the Axis considered the US a meddler and bully when we joined the Allies in WWII. I'm sure Germany would have preferred that we never cross the Atlantic and interfere with their plans for the final solution.

Islamic terrorists have no one to blame for their actions except themselves.

Indeed they are evil peoplE. Thats not denIed.
Your nations actions have directly resulted in their rise . There is NO denying the invasion of iraq by your nation, and the slaughter that insued and the vacume left has resulted in the rise of groups such as isis,in that region.
Sadaam was a bad dude. But he was also someone and his regime that kept a lid on the evil you lement. Your nation gave him the very nerve gas he then used on kurd civilians, he was a known evil your nwtion had no plm supporting when he wuited you.gassed babies besides. And it was stable. Iraqi christians were far far far far better off undsr hiS regime then they are now under what ever islamist outfit has the goods...christians have taken the worst of the results of your nations hubris.
Your nation also funded and supported the telaban, in a stan...during the soviet occupation..
It has also supputed islmast in syria, isis itself, in mny instances, if you csred to look...
Fact is.
your nations illegal invasion and conquest of iraq was a horribel dead and conplete failure resulting in destablising the region. And the rise of grouops such as isis,
Your nation has no one to blame but itself.
And all under the pretext of lies..utter lies...
IraqS christians have been desimated....
Because of your nations hubris..
The terrorists' actions are their own.

They said that this is how they celebrate their religious holiday of Ramadan.
The terrorists' actions are their own.

They said that this is how they celebrate their religious holiday of Ramadan.

Yes they are, and the illegal snd u just americsn invasion and conquest of iraq that hws directly given rise to these monsters are americas own
Its what we try teach chidren reba.
Actions have consequences.
Isis et all are a direct result of american hubris,blunder and conQuest. There was no need to invade, it was done u.der the pretext of lies,even when other allies warned doing so would have far rewching consequences..
But bullies.are bullies
and hundreds of thousands sre dead, for what?
What good has comeof it?
Maybe we should send this web site to the terrorists , b/c it said nothing about killing innocent people to celebrate Ramadan . I agree with you that their actions is their own.

What gave rise to them?
They dont exist ina vacuume, unless its the vaccume created by american foriign policy and invasion
America has even supported them in certain places..
Who is buying all their oil, they produce over a million barrels a day,
Keep ignoring reality
There is going to be extra police at the Independence Day celebration on the Esplanade in Boston . This a great concern b/c Boston was bombed already . I wish we could wipe Isis off the map! :mad:

Um the Boston bombing was a lone wolf attack....didn't have ANYTHING to do with Isis