Atlanta Installing Urine Detectors in Train Station Elevators


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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Subway stations have a distinct smell, but some cities have it worse than others. Atlanta's public transit authority MARTA may be one of the worst, as several of its citizens have said that many of the city's train station elevators smell like Porta Potties.

But Tom Beebe, MARTA's director of elevators and escalators, plans to install some new technology that catches rogue urinaters in the act.

One of the elevators at an Atlanta train station was outfitted with a urine detection device, or UDD. The device consists of several sensors lining the elevator floor.

"If somebody was to urinate in here, there's going to be a splash factor," Beebe told Atlanta's WSB-TV, an ABC News affiliate.

The splash is picked up by the UDD and then triggers an alarm that has MARTA police officers at the elevator in seconds.

The UDD is only in one of the train station elevators. But since the UDD's installation, WSB-TV reported, urine problems have significantly dropped for the station. The UDDs will be making their way to other elevators starting next month, with the ultimate goal of arming each of the 111 station elevators with the device. Each UDD costs MARTA $10,000.

But MARTA officials aren't putting all their eggs in the UDD basket. They also plan to install better lighting and security cameras in the elevators, as well as reopen restrooms in some of the other stations.

Atlanta Installing Urine Detectors in Train Station Elevators
We had the problem a train station , bums would urine in the stairway and I wanted to :barf: every time I used the stairs and I once saw a guy taking a leak and I really wanted to :barf:. I did not need any urine detector to tell me there pee there. I would tell people I wish I could hear as good as I smell or smell as poorly as I hear .
Washington's DC Metro Stations closed all of their bathrooms to the public but just recently opened some of them. People need to go to the bathroom and it is not healthy to hold it in and suffer UTIs. Good riddance to those stations for closing their public bathrooms.
Washington's DC Metro Stations closed all of their bathrooms to the public but just recently opened some of them. People need to go to the bathroom and it is not healthy to hold it in and suffer UTIs. Good riddance to those stations for closing their public bathrooms.
You're glad that they closed their public restrooms?

No...they should keep them open. Closing them in the first place was a bad idea.

I was confused too, as you where very clear about what you meant. Some of the public bathrooms are closed in the winter in my city because there is no was to keep the pipes from freezing .