ASL third official language of canada?


New Member
Jun 29, 2005
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I was just wondering if this statement is or will be true soon? My friend who is in her 3rd year of education, seen a presentation by a deafie and hoh ladies and they said something that it is in the works, to have ASL the third official language of Canada? Anyone got any info for me???
Wow....that would be AWESOME!!!! Daniel Ling would be rolling over in his grave if that happened!!!!
yes i know that there are three signed languages but I had only herd about ASL being the third.. as for 4th and 5th i have no idea...I geuss they could just make it easy for everyone and say the third language is sign...
I heard it was the same here in the USA but some say it's the fourth most used language.....
Tousi said:
I heard it was the same here in the USA but some say it's the fourth most used language.....

This is where the problem lies within the education system. Parliament does not recognise the Deaf people's language which is ASL. The Deaf school uses ASL to teach and expects perfect english syntax which is impossible to ask of the Deaf students. We need to recognise that we have three languages and work within the languages. Accept the fact that not one single Deaf individual is the same. Teach the school curriculum in ASL and this is how students can excel in english comprehension.

Deaf educator using ASL - " Girl buy dress worth $10"
Deaf educator expecting english from student "Girl dress $10"

You see where the syntax and the english structure is really lost in between the communication? The educator has to take the sentence.. point it out to the student and explain it in full and then sign in ASL.

Sorry for offtopic'ing here.
"Most used" and "official" are two completely different things.

There is in fact no OFFICIAL language in the United States. This has been a source of a lot of debate and controversy.
Interpretrator said:
"Most used" and "official" are two completely different things.

There is in fact no OFFICIAL language in the United States. This has been a source of a lot of debate and controversy.

The same goes for Canada, we have no "official" language because we have three different languages based on locality. It is just like a Canadian travelling to USA and learning new ways of signing "cabbage"". The way we sign "cabbage" here in central Canada, it is "garbage" in East USA. Believe me, it's quite a hoot to chat with Deaf Americans.

Deaf American-"Oh can you throw out the garbage?"
Deaf Canadian - (perplexed look) "What cabbage?!"

To be a bystander of this conversation... priceless! :aw:
Cookie Monster said:
Deaf American-"Oh can you throw out the garbage?"
Deaf Canadian - (perplexed look) "What cabbage?!"

To be a bystander of this conversation... priceless! :aw:

What about the other way around? The Canadian tells the American "Go buy some cabbage." .......... :lol:
tegumi said:
What about the other way around? The Canadian tells the American "Go buy some cabbage." .......... :lol:

Can you imagine what miscommunications will happen when the Deaf Canadian tries to pick up the Deaf American or vice versa? There's always AllDeaf... :type:

/seriously cracking up here!!!
CookieMonster, when your gf visited here last May, it was really funny when we mixed some Canadian signs with ASL. My boss was looking at both of us wondering what on Earth we said, etc...

I still remember quite a bit of these Canadian signs and still sign "computer" the way your gf signs it, cos it's quite similiar to the LSF version for computer (l'ordinateur).
My gf said she recalls that so fondly!! The Canadian sign language was perceived as "lazy signing" and also she did so much fingerspelling which was a real no-no when she visited you! She'd be a real eyesore in Europe where there's virtually little or no fingerspelling at all! :shock:
tegumi said:

so what??

Because I started this thread so that I could get more info about the topic, not so you can talk about garbage and cabage....
jamielee said:
Because I started this thread so that I could get more info about the topic, not so you can talk about garbage and cabage....

We are participating in your thread about ASL being the official language of Canada. We are, in one way or another, staying on topic by relating to the topic and this is just my opinion. Try not to flame your own thread.
like i said this is not about cabbage and garbage.... take it somewhere else. the only way you are on topic in anyway is that you are still talking about asl...