ASL Shakespeare

That is an awesome website! :eek: Wow!

And to show that I am actually learning something, I can actually pick out some words. :) And I also noticed that the signers are wearing dark colored clothing to make the lighter skin color of the hands more visible. I think I read about that little detail in Lottie Riekehof's "The Joy of Signing."

Thanks for pointing out this website!

This is indeed, very amazing. Shakespeare was one of the tough literature experience I had and neverthenless, I have always been drawn to his writing. It has so many different interpretations to each story but in the end, It is always inspiring. I believe that when it is in ASL, It sure does help us understand his work much better. Not only that but it helps us feel included by being able to categorize ourselves with the oddities, sexuality, life, comedies, so and on.
That is an amazing site, I too am learning ASL in university and I understood all of it. That is sooooo awesome
Awesome website, well, I am done with Shakespeare for the rest of my life, learnt Othello, A midsummer night's dream, Hamlet & Macbeth, all in school!!

Nonetheless Shakespeare is good!!

Awesome website, well, I am done with Shakespeare for the rest of my life, learnt Othello, A midsummer night's dream, Hamlet & Macbeth, all in school!!

Nonetheless Shakespeare is good!!


"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow..." Yes, Shakespeare's good. But my personal favorites are his comedies. When he does tradgeies, he goes full out. King Lear--:tears:.

Not a big fan of the Henries plays.
Othello made me cry...How could he do that to Desdemona!!

Anyway, I watched it like so many time in order to understand what the hell Shakespeare was going on, because for exams we had to write a whole page essay for Shakespeare!! :rl:

That Iago! What a bastard!

Shakespeare can be a little odd, especially when he's insulting people--"you knave", "to the nunnery, you!", and my personal favorite, "A cockatrice hast thou hatched to the world whose unavoided eye is muderous!" (King Richard III)
That Iago! What a bastard!

Shakespeare can be a little odd, especially when he's insulting people--"you knave", "to the nunnery, you!", and my personal favorite, "A cockatrice hast thou hatched to the world whose unavoided eye is muderous!" (King Richard III)

Yeah, that "to the nunnery, you"...Oh my god!! Yeah, Shakespeare is certainly a little weird...Iago is clearly a devil!! My god, and his wife, how sweet was she, and she got Iago!!

My brother is doing King Lear, he hates it so much!!

I think you need to acquire a taste for Shakespeare.

Yes. Shakespeare is so... old and so English at times! :deal: But almost everyone cribs his stuff, so it's "required" reading. :)

I don't get it, I think they should make modern Shakespeare compulsory, by the time I actually figure out half the words, its like the end of the year!!

But for exams here, we learn Shakespeare(compulsory), modern poetry, ancient(old) poetry, and modern short stories...Good Lord!!

Well, we do complain, but it seems like the Education Department and the Curriculum Advisors are deaf too!!

Not to mention all the English majors who claim he's so funny, then you find out most of his jokes relys on the old word for "booger" or "sex"!
I have been reading shakespeare since i was 10 years old.. I've had to translate parts of it for family and friends numberous times.. I love shakespeare. this site was a good one.
Shakespare was wonderful writer in his time and i do love to read but sadly always go sleep halfway... or watch his movies ..his stories always apply to our present life..