ASL practice buddy/ Deaf friends..?


New Member
Apr 16, 2024
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Hello, I’m justina, and I am looking for someone to practice my ASL with. I have some experience because I’ve taken ASL courses 1-6, but starting back at the basics is always really helpful, too!! And it’s what I need because I’ve been out of practice. I’m looking for any level of experience! :) I am also looking for deaf friends as well! :)
If you’re interested, please reply to this or message me! :)
Hello, I’m justina, and I am looking for someone to practice my ASL with. I have some experience because I’ve taken ASL courses 1-6, but starting back at the basics is always really helpful, too!! And it’s what I need because I’ve been out of practice. I’m looking for any level of experience! :) I am also looking for deaf friends as well! :)
If you’re interested, please reply to this or message me! :)
Hi there, I've been looking to sign with a few people to keep my ASL skills alive lol. :)
Hello everyone, I'm Claudia. would you mind telling me where you take courses. Most places I've looked are kind of pricey.