Ask Senator Eggert


New Member
Jan 20, 2004
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Hey people,
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me anytime. I'll try to respond them altough I spend less time on computer (that why I haven't posted very much as I used to).
bbnt said:
Is Santa Claus real?

LOL, its just a myth, fake ones. I don't judge on people's opinions on Santa Claus but in my opinion, its just fake and myth. I've stopped believe in santa since I was like abnout 10 or 11 years old.
racheleggert said:
LOL, its just a myth, fake ones. I don't judge on people's opinions on Santa Claus but in my opinion, its just fake and myth. I've stopped believe in santa since I was like abnout 10 or 11 years old.

OMG! NOOoooooo! Say it isnt so!
Then that makes me wonder who that big guy in red and white was that climbed down our chimney last night and ate all the cookies. :D
SimpleMan said:
OMG! NOOoooooo! Say it isnt so!
Then that makes me wonder who that big guy in red and white was that climbed down our chimney last night and ate all the cookies. :D

thats ok if you still believe in santa... theres no age requirement for stop believe in santa.. it goes same for with Easter Bunny and Lepachuns.
Will you ever be the govener on Minnasota?
bbnt said:
Will you ever be the govener on Minnasota?

Maybe, who know?? I want to be elected to lower office such as leguslature first and work the way all up. when its right time, I may run for gov of mn..
Crazymanw00t said:
Can you give me $100k for grace gift?

I wish, but I'm not like Donald Trump, sorry. If I was rich enuff, I would give money to charties.
Are you a liberal democrat or a right wing conservitive republican?
And how you feel about people like rush limbaugh, bill o`oreilly and sean hannity?
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ravensteve1961 said:
Are you a liberal democrat or a right wing conservitive?
And how you feel about people like rush limbaugh, bill o`oreilly and sean hannity?

Well, it depends on who I'm supporting. I'm like 90% percent Dem, and 10% republican.

Rush Lindbergh is too conservative. For Billy O' Relliey, hes just a sick pevert who would want to molest women on job and enjoy being sued. I havent heard of Sean Hannity, so who is he?
TweetyBird said:
do u have kids?

do u own house?

i dont know what ask..

Tweenty, thats ok anyways..

No, I don't own a house, I wish I did.

I don't have any kids but I have 9 nephews/neieces. In addtion, I have 3 brothers and a sister.
racheleggert said:
Maybe, who know?? I want to be elected to lower office such as leguslature first and work the way all up. when its right time, I may run for gov of mn..

If you were Gov, what would you change
bbnt said:
If you were Gov, what would you change

I won't be a dipshit head like Jesse Ventura. I would work with legislature, improve bus system in MN, whatever issues are more important during the time I am being elected. Issues tend to change during every legislative session. Some issues stay the same for years such as new stadium bills. I wish they could stop whining about new stadium for Twins and Vikings. They should have known better befiore they built MetroDome in 1982, and it is like almost 15 years later, too late that Minneapolis have no room for new stadium and MN have money problem because of Jesse Ventura messed up state economy. Lemme wait and see, shall we?
racheleggert said:
I won't be a dipshit head like Jesse Ventura. I would work with legislature, improve bus system in MN, whatever issues are more important during the time I am being elected. Issues tend to change during every legislative session. Some issues stay the same for years such as new stadium bills. I wish they could stop whining about new stadium for Twins and Vikings. They should have known better befiore they built MetroDome in 1982, and it is like almost 15 years later, too late that Minneapolis have no room for new stadium and MN have money problem because of Jesse Ventura messed up state economy. Lemme wait and see, shall we?

I have a lot of respect for the people in Minn who keep voting down new stadiums

do you think you could whip Jesse Ventura at wresteling?
racheleggert said:
Well, it depends on who I'm supporting. I'm like 90% percent Dem, and 10% republican.

Rush Lindbergh is too conservative. For Billy O' Relliey, hes just a sick pevert who would want to molest women on job and enjoy being sued. I havent heard of Sean Hannity, so who is he?
Hes on hannity and colmes on fox news at 9PM I cant stand alan colmes cause he so far left.
Hes smart and intelligent--->
<-- He should just shut up!
bbnt said:
I have a lot of respect for the people in Minn who keep voting down new stadiums

Who IN MN you respect?

do you think you could whip Jesse Ventura at wresteling?

I wish but I don't qualfity for WWE. Maybe My brother would do that. Hes going to wrestling school.
ravensteve1961 said:
Hes on hannity and colmes on fox news at 9PM I cant stand alan colmes cause he so far left.
Hes smart and intelligent--->
<-- He should just shut up!

Wish I had cable so I can watch them. Basic cable sucks.