Ask Animal_lover with any of ur questions!



dont be afraid to ask me anything :D

if u afraid.. then u wont know me :squint:
What animals you like best?

Why you call yourself animal lover?

Are you single or taken?

Where you are from?

What hobby you like do?

Do you like go outdoor or indoor?

which state your favorite?
What animals you like best?
I like all animals, but i like Wolf is the best :D
Why you call yourself animal lover?
because animals taught me a lot things.. My parents didnt taught me from right and wrong.. My parents ignore me but animals hasn't.. And i hasnt eat meat for over 4yrs and soon become Vegan when i'm going to college.. I care about animals since i was born :D
Are you single or taken?
I'm single, never was taken (I'm gay hehe)
Where you are from?
I'm from PA, USA
What hobby you like do?
Chatting online, going out to the forest, camping, helping animals, playing with animals, taking pics of nature outside and i'm digital camera freak hehe
Do you like go outdoor or indoor?
Outdoor, ofc
which state your favorite?
state, hmmm i would say hawii because nice nature there, but they are destory now..more ppl living there, ugh!
*rubbing my hands*

1. What you hate about yourself?
2. What you like about yourself?
3. How do you met your partner?
4. Is love at first sight?
5. What´s the most horrible things, you ever saw/never forget in your life?
6. What´s the most beautiful things, you ever saw/never forget in your life?
7. What's your favorite number?
8. What's your favorite foods?
9. Do you enjoy any topics (discussion with agree to disagree) here to read? If yes, which topic you like to read?
10. What’s kind of hobby you have?
11. What will you do with a lot of money?
12. which countries, you dream to travel to?
13. What’s your favorite color?
14. How many children you would have one day?
15. What do you think of blogs in the websites? Is blogs important to you?
16. Would you open your blogs? If yes, what you write in your blogs?
17. How many siblings, you have?
18. Have you been on the plane?
19. Can you cook?
20. Can you bake the cakes/cookies/candies?
21. Can you image that you will stay faith to AD as long as you are alive?
22. Can you try to have your time to chat with me via ASL or German Sign language with me?

I think it’s enough and hope that my question is not too personal.
Are you a female ?

I do not need to ask you why you call yourself "Animal Lover" because I know your answer... "because I am an animal lover".... Right?
After u are done with high school, will u go to college? If so, where? What major?
QUOTE=Liebling:)));725820]*rubbing my hands*

1. What you hate about yourself?
that i easily get embarssing..
2. What you like about yourself?
I like myself cuz I like Nature and Animals ;)
3. How do you met your partner?
umm sorry I wasn't taken yet lol.. I'm still single
4. Is love at first sight?
Yes, i believe love is first sight
5. What´s the most horrible things, you ever saw/never forget in your life?
PPL eating meats, and ppl abusing animals such as pulling their skin while they are alive.. it make me go like :pissed: :pissed: and scary at same time to watch :ugh3:
6. What´s the most beautiful things, you ever saw/never forget in your life?
Animals are free from abusing, found the way to their home, and more.. it make me cry and happy at same time
7. What's your favorite number?
68 is my fav. number
8. What's your favorite foods?
Veggie and fruits ;) yep i am one of few guys who is health freak :D
9. Do you enjoy any topics (discussion with agree to disagree) here to read? If yes, which topic you like to read?
well i like to read about gay marriage topic.. I'm glad that most ppl support gay marriage but at the same time when I found out that some ppl dont support it and it make me go like :pissed: :pissed: and make me want to say "Gay marriage wont affect u because u arent gay! why u cares about their gay life or my gay life? we arent ur children!! U anti-gay marriage ppl need a life and respect all ppl! If u disagree with it, then straight ppl who support gay marriage will look at u and laugh at u because they think u are stupid and say that u dont know the meanig of EQUAL RIGHT is OUR GOALS in USA!" :pissed: *sigh* *trying to breath again*
10. What’s kind of hobby you have?
chatting online, going out to the forest, camping, playing with animals, helping with animals, take pics of nature with my digital camera, yep i'm camera freak hehe
11. What will you do with a lot of money?
trying to take more lands, so i can destory mankind things on my lands and replants and that will help to restore the nature! :h5: I can't stand with mankind world.. i want real earth back!
12. which countries, you dream to travel to?
Japan, Austrilna (SP), Canada (the gay freedom country YAY!), Africa (to help animals in there), and more i cant think of, sorry.. but mostly like to travel the world hehe
13. What’s your favorite color?
Blue, black, and silver because of Night time (black) there is water (dark blue) and the moon reflect the silver color on the water (silver)
14. How many children you would have one day?
umm, sorry not interesting with children because I'll be busy with trying to help restore nature and helping animals with all of my life
15. What do you think of blogs in the websites? Is blogs important to you?
Blogs are ok ok to me and not important to me
16. Would you open your blogs? If yes, what you write in your blogs?
17. How many siblings, you have?
one brother
18. Have you been on the plane?
Yes, few times
19. Can you cook?
Yes, and willing want to learn more ;)
20. Can you bake the cakes/cookies/candies?
umm no, i only cook health food, not junk food.. i dont eat junk food that why hehe
21. Can you image that you will stay faith to AD as long as you are alive?
Umm, sorry couldn't answer to that question :dunno:
22. Can you try to have your time to chat with me via ASL or German Sign language with me?
I can with ASL but i like to learn GSL with ya ;) i enjoying learning new sign languages
I think it’s enough and hope that my question is not too personal.
Nah, not too personal :D[/QUOTE]
Liebling:-))) said:
I do not need to ask you why you call yourself "Animal Lover" because I know your answer... "because I am an animal lover".... Right?[/QUOTE]

not just animal lover, I'm serious animal lover :D
Animal lover said:
dont be afraid to ask me anything

Coolie, now my question to you is do you have the hottie for Southie?...

Here are your ?'s.

What kind of car do you dream of purchasing?

What is your favorite tree?

How many acres do you dream of purchasing if you want to save animals and rehab them to health?

Where do you dream of living in permanently?

Do you ever have swam with dolphins, orcas?

Have you ever been to other countries overseas?

That's all I can think of.
How old were you when you had your first kiss?

How old were you when you first broke your virginity?

Did you give anyone anything for Valentine's today?