Art in the streets...

Nifty! I thought the giant band-aid was funny and absolutely love the stairs art!
I feel that there are some photoshopped in some of the pictures. They are all work of art. I love them. :hmm:
I love how they transformed the old phone booths. Wow!
That is New Deli today(or deli not sure which) there art festival, similar these pics.that well worth a look at aswel,saw on tv today
I think some of the pics are from the Indian festival that been on this week
none of it its photoshopped
that was the point

You are not looking hard enough at the pictures. I see there were some pictures that looked photoshopped to me. Others are not. I just looked at these pictures carefully. Does not look real to me on some of the pictures.

Do what you think for yourself but for me I noticed them. :cool2: