Arnold will run for Calfforina Gov


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Mar 3, 2003
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He will tell the world tonight on tonight show with jay leno. However, this afternoon, it confirmed. Not only that but few hours later, Former child actor, Gary Coleman will run CA Gov too lol... Arnold vs. Gary
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Thier NUTS simple as that CA is not foucusing on the REAL plms they jsut talk abt whos running and whos not. its gone too far CA is BROKE as fuck and they don t see the reason behind this... I think this is all just a media hype just like the kobe bryant hype. sheesh meida will do ANYTHING to get thier hands on the BS RME
Looney people want to run for CA governship. Hey, guess what? I will get out of CA for good on May 2004 cuz I knew that CA is fucked up with lousy economy. CA is not realistic on our needs. Too much BS going on in CA.:crazy: :ugh:
Originally posted by Oddball
Looney people want to run for CA governship. Hey, guess what? I will get out of CA for good on May 2004 cuz I knew that CA is fucked up with lousy economy. CA is not realistic on our needs. Too much BS going on in CA.:crazy: :ugh:

:werd: sadly i was born and raised there but CA needs to get real not deal with tinsletown RME
My guts is Arnold will win CA Governor.

:roll: at Flynt and Davis.
Man everyone wants to run for Gov in CA. And hey I like CA :squint:
If he becomes governor, I hope he doesn't pass a law that requires all of us to workout daily. If so, we'll have a state full of fitness freaks!
Originally posted by VamPyroX
If he becomes governor, I hope he doesn't pass a law that requires all of us to workout daily. If so, we'll have a state full of fitness freaks!

Oh boy, I need that reinforcement !! I have been lack of motivation to do excerise daily due to muggy and humdity weather here lately. :(

:smash: Hey VamPyroX...

Sit up 100 at 4 a.m

Jog 4 miles

weigh lift for 2 hours

No sweet stuffs, avoid high charco food, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Only eat red meat once a month.

If you broke the law. You will be in the jail for six months.


~ Sabrina

P.S. I can't image if there is a law to do work out for this country. I do not know what I will look like when I become thinner. The men will be waiting in a long line at my front door.

No Thanks !
This should be interesting. We've already gotten a wrestler as a governor!
Know what I just realized? What happened in Demolition Man may just come true!
:roll: oh man! another famous person running for governor!?!

We had famous governor few years ago Jesse Ventura, a professional Wrestler for WWE or WWF (not sure which) He done no good!

all famous peeps need attetition <--sp?
it's not about get attention. it's about opportunity job. Remmbered, AMerica is Freedom country. do what you want to do that or this.

im in shock. im in shock. i can't believe! Larry? no shit! Arnold?! yes, sure. why not? this is nothing new under the sun. go Arnold!
Well, it's been quiet in here...I'm not quite up to par with USA news as I'm situated in Australia...:lol: Anyone care to enlighten me on what's happening with Arnie and is Gary Coleman still in the running as is Larry Flynt. :roll: