Y said:
That's wonderful... i'm afraid that i might have
missed some earlier postings almost impossible
for me to go back to read & look for something about
how did you both meet ? hope you don't mind me
asking this ?
'Y', I sure don't mind telling how we met...it's always bring good memories of that moment and time when we first met...!
One night back in January of 2003, I was busy on the ol'

monitoring a deaf chat room when suddenly I was having a bit of a time dealing with a nasty flooder/hacker who intentionally was invading the room by coming in and leaving constantly...and having a difficult time of 'catching' that person and give that person the 'boot'...yet, that person found a way to come right back in...as busy as I was staring at the list of chatters in the room and not really watching the 'chat-room' itself...meanwhile, the chat-room itself, it was hard for any chatter to see other chatters' remarks, chat, etc...with the flooder taking up the space in the chat-room...during one moment of glancing over to the chat-room, I seen a comment made by ^Angel^, she was telling others to be patience with the monitor, as the monitor(myself) was trying to do his best to stop this flooder from disrupting the chat-room...when the comments and the compliment made by ^Angel^ caught my eye and attention momentarily, but having such a profound impact inside of me...like, wow, I was deeply 'moved' and inspired by what she had said in the chat-room...after getting off the computer that night, thoughts swelled in my mind and my heart was pacing a bit more than usual...longing to know who she was, touching me in with her thoughtfulness and kindness...even though, I had seen her in the chat-room on several other occassions, yet, really not knowing who she was or even getting to have 'chat' with her in the room itself...the next day, I saw her in another deaf chat site which I also monitored and was able to 'watch' her while I was INVISIBLE...seeing how sweet and kind she was by how she was chatting with others in the room...after watching her for awhile...I boldly 'pm' her and *chuckles*...took her by surprise...!! *Looking back...*, she has told me that she was soooo nervous and startled when I 'pm' her...then we exchanged our aims, etc...and got to know each other better...honestly, that night she was in the room when the flooder was there, something REALLY overwhelmed me...something I honestly never felt before....the more we chatted with one another, I knew I was falling in 'love' with her...with her beautiful personality...having many things in common, believing in the same way, feeling in the same way, etc...that within a couple of weeks, after talking to her one early morning, as I went to the kitchen, seeing the sun rays flowing in, the warmness that enveloped me...I actually felt like I was really walking on clouds that morning...LOVE took my heart by storm in the most beautiful and wonderful way I've never experienced! There, you have it now 'Y'...about how we met, and the story of our lives continues... :P ...six months later after that first night, we met for the first time when she flew down to where I was for two 'gorgeous' weeks together...then moving with her the following month....
Lastly, but surely, NOT the end...we are so much in love and continue to 'grow' daily...while along the way in the days ahead, watching her gracefully walking down the aisle towards me

in front of a minister who will have the 'honor' of exclaiming, "Now you may kiss the bride....etc"....


Btw, I am definitely NOT paranoid in my relationship with ^Angel^...*smiling*