are you an idiot?

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score

Jodie's b/f was saying bad stuff behind her back, saying that she's a whore and all that...but her b/f already had sex with her so who IS the whore?

and for Ben, who was trying to ask a hot girl out, but she's seeing someone and her friend laughed at him because he isn't all that hunky, handsome, rich, and even has a license!

I bet there is some ppl who say bad things behind your back eh?
I already read that today. You don't have to keep posting the images here. Remember, there are people here who have 48k modems.
Originally posted by VamPyroX
I already read that today. You don't have to keep posting the images here. Remember, there are people here who have 48k modems.
yea.. :o
hello? it's not about's about if you are really an IDIOT or not...i don't care if that took too long to load...there are times when you just have to wait and be patient about it