Are you a manager? Tell me about it!


New Member
May 21, 2014
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Hi all,

I am looking for deaf managers or bosses! Do you manage other people in your job? Please forward the below to anyone else that you think might be able to help.

I am profoundly deaf and doing post-graduate studies in Project Management. There is already a lot of research into the problems facing the deaf in schools and in workplaces but there is not a lot of research into the problems they face when they become managers particularly in hearing workplaces. I am interested in researching this more.

With this in mind I have a few questions for deaf managers. I would be delighted to hear from team leaders, functional managers, project managers, etc.

1. What is your job title?
2. How many people work under you or have their work co-ordinated by you (eg. in project teams)?
3. What severity of deafness do you have?
4. What aids if any do you use? (in-ear, BAHA, cochlear, etc)
5. What support services do you use in your job? (note-takers, SL interpreters, relays etc)
6. What is the biggest challenge you face in your job?
7. What is the one thing your company could do to help you more?

All responses will be anonymised in my research (I won't mention your name unless you ask me to). You may skip any question you don't wish to answer. Please feel free to reply publicly (and maybe start a discussion) but you can also write to me privately in this forum or e-mail me directly on

Thank you in advance for your time to read this and I appreciate any comments you can give!
My job title: Captain Mew, head kitty of kitty enterprises!

How many people work under me: I supervise all cats around the world, rather... my loyal trusting subjects ( or as I like to call them, my cat / kitten ninja army of doom )

What severity of deafness do I have?: Well I am a black cat, I am profoundly Deaf. I know people think this typically applies to white cats, but I like to break the stereotype, yo.

What aid(s) do I use?: I use telekinesis, facial expressions, and various eye / facial expressions to communicate with my kitten army of course! ( Sometimes I hiss to express distaste in a particular setting or object ) When communicating with humans, I prefer to use ASL so nobody suspects anything... I type on the computer using single claw click motions... this is tedious and takes many hours but is successful at fooling the humans.

What support services do I use in my job?: Oh, I have many support services! Typically, I am supported by the various breeds of cats out in nature. You know, lions, panthers, tigers and lynxes.... They are most helpful in aiding me for my ultimate quest for total and complete world domination...

The biggest challenge in my job?: Omg, people taking me seriously of course! Everyone comes up to me and picks me up and wants to pet me and cuddle me! UGH! It's so annoying! They think I'm SooOooOOoooOoOooooooo cute! Little do they know, I'm potting their doom and destruction!!! DOOM I TELL YOU DOOM!!! Just because I'm easily distracted they think it's so cute and that I...

One thing my company should do to help me more?: SEND ME MORE MINIONS! BUAHAHAHAHA!!! It's only a matter of time... once we have thumbs... all will be lost... ALL WILL BE OURS!!!! BUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
Okay, thanks for the responses so far.

sonocativo - I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. This isn't a homework assignment - at least not in the sense you think it is. I am already writing the report based on my own experience but I want to make it better by researching the experiences of others. Like how a journalist won't report just their own opinion but will include quotes from several people. I hope that helps to clarify what I am trying to do here.

Frisky Feline - I hope you agree with me that anything that might help us do better in a hearing dominated workplace is worth pursuing. I'd be happy to share a copy of the report when its finished with anyone who wants to read it.

Mewtilation - very funny response, I love it. Unfortunately I don't think I can use it in my report :)

Looking forward to any further responses. Thanks again!
Okay, thanks for the responses so far.

Looking forward to any further responses. Thanks again!

Sorry to say that you won't get many if any responses. If you would do a search on how many people have come on here asking questions for their signing class assignments, you would be shocked to see how many there are and end up not being surprised that you don't have any responses. Good luck!
My job title: Captain Mew, head kitty of kitty enterprises!

How many people work under me: I supervise all cats around the world, rather... my loyal trusting subjects ( or as I like to call them, my cat / kitten ninja army of doom )

What severity of deafness do I have?: Well I am a black cat, I am profoundly Deaf. I know people think this typically applies to white cats, but I like to break the stereotype, yo.

What aid(s) do I use?: I use telekinesis, facial expressions, and various eye / facial expressions to communicate with my kitten army of course! ( Sometimes I hiss to express distaste in a particular setting or object ) When communicating with humans, I prefer to use ASL so nobody suspects anything... I type on the computer using single claw click motions... this is tedious and takes many hours but is successful at fooling the humans.

What support services do I use in my job?: Oh, I have many support services! Typically, I am supported by the various breeds of cats out in nature. You know, lions, panthers, tigers and lynxes.... They are most helpful in aiding me for my ultimate quest for total and complete world domination...

The biggest challenge in my job?: Omg, people taking me seriously of course! Everyone comes up to me and picks me up and wants to pet me and cuddle me! UGH! It's so annoying! They think I'm SooOooOOoooOoOooooooo cute! Little do they know, I'm potting their doom and destruction!!! DOOM I TELL YOU DOOM!!! Just because I'm easily distracted they think it's so cute and that I...

One thing my company should do to help me more?: SEND ME MORE MINIONS! BUAHAHAHAHA!!! It's only a matter of time... once we have thumbs... all will be lost... ALL WILL BE OURS!!!! BUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Wow!! I see that someone talks about cats as much as I do. Wow, I am flattered!!!