Are there any Dream Interpreters out there?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2009
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This past week, I got very sick. I got a stomach virus that shut me down. I was running a fever and slept, almost completely straight through, 2 days. I only got up to use the restroom, and to drink plenty of fluids. I really couldn't eat anything.

So, in this feverish, weakened state, I had some of the most potently vivid dreams I have ever had in my entire life. One of them really stood out. So, before I even describe what this dream is, I was just curious if there were any dream interpreters out there.

Native American Dream Interpreters would be such a bonus .. but not required.
Write the dream down. Try and remember every detail, colors included. Save it.
I am not a dream interpreter but have had some stunning dreams that significant parts of them came to pass. Details not quite the same and so on but basically on track.
The last one was so symbolic I would have liked an interpreter as well.
If you save it- it will come clear piece by piece over time.

Don't forget Steinhauer every part of your gene pool was tribal at one time, some sooner some later but tribal for all the centuries preceding. I hope you find a real interpreter if not it will sort it self out if you save it.
I can write the entire dream here - but would take some time. It felt as if I was actually there. In fact, I will reveal the entire dream in segments. That might be easier on me.
If you feel compelled to share it with the world- why not? The main thing is to get it written down while it is still vibrant and clear in your mind. It will still be your dream.
Segment 1

I had been dreaming for a while before I became "aware" that I was dreaming. So prior to me becoming aware, I cannot remember what I was dreaming about before. So, when I became aware that I was actually dreaming, something was going one prior that I have no recollection of.

In the first few moments of me becoming aware, I saw a figure, a lot like Gandolf from LOTR. He was a tall, thin, man with long white hair, and a long white beard, except he was not old. He was quite young. He was wearing an off white tunic and was seated, surrounded by groups of different people. He was talking to the crowd, and I was a member of the crowd. This was when I became aware.

I found myself looking around at the small crowd assembled. People from every nationality and race surrounded me. There was nothing that united us, except we were all being told by this Gandolf (I know .. weird, but I will call the guy Gandolf only because of the slight resemblance) telepathically that we shouldn't be frightened, that everything would be fine. There was no sign communication in the dream or oral communication .. all communication was done instantaneously. "Gandolf" did motioning gestures with his hands, but was not signing.

We were all assembled on a reddish dirt road, in what appeared to be, plains in Africa. There was waist high grass, all yellowed, on both sides of this dirt road. The sky was a vivid blue, but no glare from the sun. I was standing with my wife and newborn son. Next to me was an African American woman, probably in her 60's, dressed in formal attire. She was short, plump, and appeared as if she was dressed up to go to Church. She wore a white skirt and blue, with black polka dot shirt and a hat that matched the shirt. She wore glasses.

There were approximately 30-40 people assembled. We all started looking around at each other, and it was then, at that moment, that we all realized we were dreaming. To clarify this ... we all realized we were dreaming, and knew everyone else was dreaming too and knew we were all having the same dream, at the same time.

Off in the near distance, there appeared to be a small village, and a further ways down the road, a plateau. The plateau was where "Gandolf" wanted us to follow him to - this is something we all just instinctively knew. The plateau had a fortified Keep (sort of like castle) built into it. It had been carved a long time ago, and was somewhat an ancient Keep, or an ancient Fortress, built to keep out invaders and to protect the occupants.

So we began walking down the dirt road towards the small village and the Keep.

That's it for now .... segment II I will add later.
Im probably going to learn some dream analysis on my next psych class but right now not much of a dream interpreter. The little i know are based on Freud's theories and that isnt nice, he had odd ideas...
At first glance at the topic, I thought the OP meant finding a dream interpreter, meaning a really good interpreter one can dream about. lol. Then I realized as I went in, it wasn't that.
I won't have a lot of time to post the further segments, but I will get around to it eventually. And .. if anyone wants to take a crack at interpreting the first segment .. go for it. It might be interesting to see all the different interpretations.
The only interpretation of dreams that I notice for myself is that I tend to dream of what I want so bad.

I've had dreams that I found a job or working at a job. Because I want a job so bad.

I've had dreams of having my own place, my own apartment. That dream went away when I got my own place.
I am looking forward to hearing segment ll. Great dream!

That is the problem(sort of) with dream interpretation by studying materials from books and internet. There are lots of differing ways.

We are communal people and there is value in sharing these things. A truly powerful dream like this is in this format to be shared. It is really cool that you are doing so.

This is a spiritual dream - it has the Moses kind of aspect to it and there is description of uniform understanding on a deep and meaningful plane.
The old/young look of Gandolf is meaningful. We move to what we consider old religion but it is a new age - he embodies it.
Having been to Afro-American church services and seen the powerful awesome beautiful gospel singing there carried out by ordinary women dressed for church. Your lady symbolizes powerful fervent belief that sings forth in the most moving of ways.
Just a couple of thoughts on it I have.
Segment II

So we began walking down the dirt road and towards the village. I seem to remember something ... he had a small group of attendants with him (Galdolf) that were separate from our group that walked in stride with him. I got the impression that he was maybe royalty, I don't know why I got that impression.

Anyways, as our group approached the village, I could see cattle pens, with roaming oxen in the fields. Even though I knew I was in Africa, the people tending the oxen were from India. The pens that the oxen were in, were very large and barricaded with large circular fences. As our group was observing the Indian men working, we noticed three of the men go towards a large, upright, wooden crate that had several long handled axe type tools inside. These axes appeared to be very heavy. One of the men took one of the axes, and the two others followed him inside of the cattle pen.

When the older African American lady, who had been walking near me, saw them do this, she walked over to the crate, and took one of these axes. She began looking all around, as if in amazement and bewilderment. Then, she began tapping the axe on the metal railing of the cattle pen. Now .. here is where I need to be pretty specific about something. There were no verbal communications of any kind, but I knew she was saying "Wow .... this is all .... so ... real .... everything looks like I am really here". So apparently, she knew she was dreaming, and was attempting to interact with the objects in the dream.

Anyways, the three Indian men had gone to kill one of the oxen in preparations for a large feast. I didn't see them do it, but the African American woman did (she was closer to the cattle pen than our group was) and a look of horror spread across her face as she saw what they were doing. Again, there was no verbal communication in the dream, and even though I couldn't see them, I knew they had beheaded the ox. Anyways, the older lady quickly rejoined our group as we made our way further into the village, and towards the Keep.

I will add segment III tmw night.
So we began walking down the dirt road and towards the village. I seem to remember something ... he had a small group of attendants with him (Galdolf) that were separate from our group that walked in stride with him. I got the impression that he was maybe royalty, I don't know why I got that impression.

Anyways, as our group approached the village, I could see cattle pens, with roaming oxen in the fields. Even though I knew I was in Africa, the people tending the oxen were from India. The pens that the oxen were in, were very large and barricaded with large circular fences. As our group was observing the Indian men working, we noticed three of the men go towards a large, upright, wooden crate that had several long handled axe type tools inside. These axes appeared to be very heavy. One of the men took one of the axes, and the two others followed him inside of the cattle pen.

When the older African American lady, who had been walking near me, saw them do this, she walked over to the crate, and took one of these axes. She began looking all around, as if in amazement and bewilderment. Then, she began tapping the axe on the metal railing of the cattle pen. Now .. here is where I need to be pretty specific about something. There were no verbal communications of any kind, but I knew she was saying "Wow .... this is all .... so ... real .... everything looks like I am really here". So apparently, she knew she was dreaming, and was attempting to interact with the objects in the dream.

Anyways, the three Indian men had gone to kill one of the oxen in preparations for a large feast. I didn't see them do it, but the African American woman did (she was closer to the cattle pen than our group was) and a look of horror spread across her face as she saw what they were doing. Again, there was no verbal communication in the dream, and even though I couldn't see them, I knew they had beheaded the ox. Anyways, the older lady quickly rejoined our group as we made our way further into the village, and towards the Keep.

I will add segment III tmw night.

Okay, you were dreaming that you were in Africa. Bold statement. What I don't understand there was a African American woman (Was she from United States or is she a native to Africa. She is African, am I right?

Also about the three Indian men who are from India probably living in Africa. Anyway, in India the Indian people do not kill cows (oxen) because they were sacred. They can only draw blood from them for sacrifice but not kill them. I don't know much about India custom. They let all the cows roam freely in India. Those men are probably not Buddhists (spelling?). Boy, they have to cut the head off from the cow. I suppose they would have gesture almost like signing but if there were no communication in your dreams. That is odd.

Very interesting. I am trying to figure out your dreams myself too. I am not a expert dream interpreter. I have never gone on Fast (meaning that I would have gone to the hills or mountain and stay there for a few days without food to get my dreams that will tell me what my dreams meant). That was the old custom mostly for young boys. But for me as a girl, I don't think girls were meant to go like young boys go for their dreams. They stay with their mothers to help them. Keep dreaming for section 3. :)
Okay, you were dreaming that you were in Africa. Bold statement. What I don't understand there was a African American woman (Was she from United States or is she a native to Africa. She is African, am I right?

Also about the three Indian men who are from India probably living in Africa. Anyway, in India the Indian people do not kill cows (oxen) because they were sacred. They can only draw blood from them for sacrifice but not kill them. I don't know much about India custom. They let all the cows roam freely in India. Those men are probably not Buddhists (spelling?). Boy, they have to cut the head off from the cow. I suppose they would have gesture almost like signing but if there were no communication in your dreams. That is odd.

Very interesting. I am trying to figure out your dreams myself too. I am not a expert dream interpreter. I have never gone on Fast (meaning that I would have gone to the hills or mountain and stay there for a few days without food to get my dreams that will tell me what my dreams meant). That was the old custom mostly for young boys. But for me as a girl, I don't think girls were meant to go like young boys go for their dreams. They stay with their mothers to help them. Keep dreaming for section 3. :)

The lady was American. Particularly, southern American (Alabama, TN, Georgia, Kentucky etc.). And interesting observation about the Indian and the oxen .. I forgot all about that the cow was sacred there. I do remember the three Indians were wearing all white pants, all white shirts and had a red sash (???)
I am really tired .. I know I said segment III would be up ---- but too tired. I will put it up tmw night.
I am really tired .. I know I said segment III would be up ---- but too tired. I will put it up tmw night.

Just take your time, only just remember to write your dreams down so you won't forget. I am sorry that you are tire and sick. :(

I hope you get well soon. :wave:
Segment III

So, we are continuing past the cattle pens and onwards into the village. We pass some hut type buildings, but these are no ordinary huts. There is construction going on inside one of them, and naturally curious, I took a peek inside. What I saw was amazingly beautiful. There were carpenters putting down hardwood flooring, except this was no ordinary hardwood floor. They were taking strips of exotic wood. These strips were about 3-4 inches wide and only about 2 mm thick (very thin and flimsy). They were weaving these strips and making very intrinsic designs on the floor. The patterns looked amazing beautiful, even like pictures almost ... or maybe they were. They glued these strips to the floor, sanded everything to perfection, then cleaned up all the dust. They then poured a glass like epoxy over the floor, it was like a floor leveler/sealant protectant combo, and dried crystal clear and hard as steel. The result was amazing.

I remember thinking I needed to patent this idea when I woke up.

They even did the stairs this way and there were some patterned designs on the walls as well.

I remember watching the process when I was urged by Gandolf to rejoin the group ... we we on our way to the Keep ...