Apple Kills Jailbreaking in Newest iPhone 3GS Shipments


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Mar 23, 2005
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Apple's strikes again, sending jailbreakers on their heels

Apple plays what its CEO Steve Jobs once likened to a game of "cat and mouse" with iPhone unlockers and jailbreakers. Jailbreakers, like the iPhone Dev Team, try to release the iPhone from being limited to the official iTunes app store and other firmware restrictions, while unlockers, such as George Hotz, use the jailbreaks and other techniques to unlock the phone, allowing it to run on any hardware-supported network.

Usually the unlockers/jailbreakers seize the day, but occasionally Apple will win a round. Apple has tried many approaches -- everything from "bricking" unlocked iPhones to denying jailbroken iPhones access to the iTunes store -- to halt the spread of unlocking in the U.S. and force people to use AT&T, despite the hardware being capable of working on other carriers such as T-Mobile.

Now, Apple has managed to gain an upper hand over the persistent hackers according to iClarified, thanks to the release of a new bootrom, iBoot-359.3.2. The phone firmware, which shipped on new iPhone 3GSs starting this week, closes previously used doors to exploits.

A user named "Mathieulh" first noticed the new bootrom and took a screenshot. It was subsequently confirmed by Muscle Nerd of the iPhone Dev Team that the loss of the 24kpwn exploit would render the iPhone unjailbreakable for the time being. This means that the unlocking fixes, such as the utility released by George Hotz, also won't work anymore as they rely on jailbreaking as a preliminary step.

For users wishing to jailbreak, iPhone jailbreakers are hard at work trying to find alternative exploits that could be used to unlock the phone. They suggest, in the meantime, that users purchase older stock of iPhones or buy refurbished units.

The iPhone 3GS was unlocked as soon as it was released, thanks to unlockers with iPhone Developer connections. George Hotz used the iPhone Dev Team's exploit, along with his own methods, to publish a route to jailbreaking the phone just weeks later.

DailyTech - Apple Kills Jailbreaking in Newest iPhone 3GS Shipments
Apple, you need think twice about being exclusive on att crap and time for you to offers iPhone in different carriers, man...
Nothing is unbreakable. It's been said many times and end up with a foot in the mouth when a smart cracker, hacker, reverse engineers that can circumvent it and make it work in another way.

Think again, Hackers strike back.
Geohot has released blackra1n. This is a 3.1.2 jailbreak for all devices: iphone 2g, iphone 3g, iphone 3gs, ipodtouch 1, 2, 3 (note: ipod touch 3 8gb users say this isnt working). It’s pretty easy. You just load the app and click the “make it ra1n” button and follow the prompts. Unfortunately, the ipod 3 is tethered which means if you reboot you have to run blackra1n again.

This is also a jailbreak only. There is no hacktivation or unlock. If you have updated in itunes to 3.1.2 or have an out of box 3.1 iPhone 3g / 3gs, you cannot unlock due to the new baseband, you can only jailbreak. If you have a 3g / 3gs running an older iPhone software and want to update and unlock, wait for pwnage type exploit that lets you update without updating the baseband.

From geohot: So, what is blackra1n? blackra1n is a 30 second ALL device 3.1.2 jailbreak. Even the ipt3, but the ipt3 is tethered. In order to boot it, just rerun blackra1n. As far as donations go, they are much appreciated, but not until after blackra1n works for you.
as a jailbreaked Iphone 3gs user, I will install a new upgrade and then download a new MMS thing.
This is just another TEMPORARY "fix" that will be "broken" soon anyways. :roll:
Blackra1n FTW!! Geohot is a legendary and the first original iPhone hacker either way check out my blogs.

The cat and mouse continue...
I think they should stop making their iPhones work on other carriers and move on to a different phone or make a class action complaint to Apple to sell their iPhones under different carriers will reduce the risk of hacking.