Ape to Man

Koko: :( :cry: (sniffs) Why....you.....(sniffs)...hurt..............me????????


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isn't that enough proof to show you "evloution"...?


Chimpanzees and bonobos are a closer genetic match to humans than they are to gorillas and orangutans—how much more evidence do you need? There is just no way to dispute the fact that chimps and bonobos should be subsumed under the genus Homo.Take a good look at my avatar. He looks more human than some of Mayflower’s old boyfriends. *ducks for cover*
Not really. Alot of scientist will argue that our DNA is 97% similar to apes. But ask them who our cloest match is, and they'll tell you we're closer to dogs. I'm not quite sure how I feel on Evolution. I haven't studied it truly enough to have an opinion on Macroevolution, but I do believe that Microevolution is a possibility, as suggested by Darwin's studies.
It wasn't a written source, but a quote I've heard from several shows on Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, Etc.
cental34 said:

Ape eats meat then he becomes human 99.99999%

Ow! Something pokes my rib.....Ahhhh. Something growing bigger than a wart....Ohhh....ahhhh. Please contact i911.....(pass out)

5 hours later...

(Open eyes) Whoa, a nude lady stands by me....
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Well, if you're going to put it like that then, I guess all my vegetarian friends are already apes, and all my vegan friends are beyond apes. Interesting.
Levonian said:
...Take a good look at my avatar. He looks more human than some of Mayflower’s old boyfriends. *ducks for cover*
Here’s a female bonobo in estrus, from Frans De Waal’s book Bonobo: the Forgotten Ape. Not only do bonobos sometimes bear an extremely strong resemblance to humans, sexual behaviors amongst the two species are so similar that one primatologist I know refers to De Waal’s book as ‘coffee table porn’.
ravensteve1961 said:
Apes are not in porn. Prove it to me lev :twisted:

Frans de Waal - Bonobo: The Forgotten Ape
This remarkable primate with the curious name is challenging established views on human evolution. The bonobo, least known of the great apes, is a female-centered, egalitarian species that has been dubbed the "make-love-not-war" primate by specialists. In bonobo society, females form alliances to intimidate males, sexual behavior (in virtually every partner combination) replaces aggression and serves many social functions, and unrelated groups mingle instead of fighting. The species's most striking achievement is not tool use or warfare but sensitivity to others.

Bonobos are just as related to people as are chimps. But the females are clearly in charge. They're peaceful. More intriguing: They have sex all the time, not to procreate but to settle conflict or get to know each other -- and unlike other animals, they have it face-to-face with some French kissing thrown in.

Chimps often fight viciously, especially with strangers, even taking over territory by killing the adult males. Bonobos rarely fight. Videos of groups meeting in the wild show them nervous and shrieking but not physically attacking. Gradually, the females approach each other and initiate cautious sexual contact.

And sex among bonobos is reminiscent of the Kamasutra. It's not just male-female -- they have same-gender sex, oral sex, masturbation, group sex. Like humans, they have face-to-face intercourse, making scientists wonder if they're more emotionally intimate than other animals. In zoos, the average bonobo initiates sexual contact every 1 1/2 hours.
:nana: :applause: