Hmmm...was thinking it might be a good place to look for a job when I get out of school. I have a life long friend who has lived in Ohio for years. She's been trying to get my hubby and I to move up there closer to her for years. She lives just outside of Columbus. She said that she doesn't believe that I would have any trouble finding a good job up there. Frankly, I really HATE cold though...and Kentucky is cold enough.
Eh, it's all a moot point at this time anyway...I still got to get into school and get through it before I even think about going anywhere. Just was wondering about it being Deaf friendly...because, so far, Kentucky hasn't been real Deaf friendly. I've met a few folks who are being just so wonderful...but then there are a LOT who stare and get that "look" when they see my hubby and I signing and do that slowly edging away from the deafie thing. LOL