Anyone got


LOL at Homer Simpson
Premium Member
Mar 15, 2006
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Its way best than MySpace!!
no i dont have it.. really.. i will check it out.. Thanks.
Sooner or later, it will be old news. I'm honestly surprised that nobody has realized this. Myspace used to be the "New Best THing" at one point, and then people copied the basics and created new sites. It's all the same thing, IMO.
Blah... I'll stick with Facebook.

It's pointless to keep changing websites like that. Tickle. Ringo. Hi5. MySpace. Xanga. LiveJournal. Etc. Etc.
Blah... I'll stick with Facebook.

It's pointless to keep changing websites like that. Tickle. Ringo. Hi5. MySpace. Xanga. LiveJournal. Etc. Etc.

it will take forever. It's youth's fault!
Blah... I'll stick with Facebook.

It's pointless to keep changing websites like that. Tickle. Ringo. Hi5. MySpace. Xanga. LiveJournal. Etc. Etc.

I agree!!!
Blah... I'll stick with Facebook.

It's pointless to keep changing websites like that. Tickle. Ringo. Hi5. MySpace. Xanga. LiveJournal. Etc. Etc.

Facebook getting weird-o cuz they add apps, what the fuck? MyYearbook is best of all ha
you never know, myyearbook could go the way of Facebook or Myspace. Whatcha gonna say then? "myyearbook sucks". And you'll look for the next best thing. It's normal. everyone is always trying to find the "next best thing" in life.
Nah, I'll stick with myspace. I don't want to join more circle of friends websites. Myspace is enough for me. :P
Wow another website??? wow I think myspace is good enough for me and I go on Sometimes, but mostly is on that was it.
Its crap

:nana::nana:If you are mean, a bully, just dont know how to play fair and fun than myyearbook is for you! I deleted my account today. I joined thought it would be cool. Make my own page, all pretty I like that. But than, you do battles but you gotta join groups to get votes or youll get your ass kicked. How is that fair. So I did a few battles, won a few. Than I joined some groups. I wanted to win!!! Well you got shit talkers that dont like a little competition. So they have there "groupgang" vote against you. I was in a battle that was getting umpteen votes it was ridiculous. Did she deserve to win, maybe maybe not. But who knew. So I did the same got some groups, had people voting for me left and right. For what. Fake money. Get a job people, or a life. Myspace is definitly better. I have my high school friends there, none were on myyearbook. Grow up. Leave that site for the teens that just wana have fun. I dont need a battle to tell me how i look.
Facebook getting weird-o cuz they add apps, what the fuck? MyYearbook is best of all ha
Yes, but you have the option of hiding them on members' profiles and you don't have to install the applications.

MySpace had that problem. Members were putting so much crap on their sites that you couldn't avoid them when looking at their profiles. With Facebook, if members have applications on their profile, just click on the arrow and it becomes hidden. The next time you view their profile, you won't see those applications. Also, you don't have to download every application someone offers you. That's why Facebook is good.

MyYearBook looks exactly like MySpace. They're gonna have problems soon. ;)
Yes, but you have the option of hiding them on members' profiles and you don't have to install the applications.

MySpace had that problem. Members were putting so much crap on their sites that you couldn't avoid them when looking at their profiles. With Facebook, if members have applications on their profile, just click on the arrow and it becomes hidden. The next time you view their profile, you won't see those applications. Also, you don't have to download every application someone offers you. That's why Facebook is good.

MyYearBook looks exactly like MySpace. They're gonna have problems soon. ;)

How can I prevent from any invitation apps on facebook? I am tired of click decline on all apps unless its very good reason to add apps...
Nope, I don't have myyearbook, myfacebook, tagdeaf, or myspace, etc...
How can I prevent from any invitation apps on facebook? I am tired of click decline on all apps unless its very good reason to add apps...
Simple, click "ignore".

The invitation isn't a pop-up or anything. The top of the list shows the basic stuff such as group invites or friend requests. The rest are the application offers. That way, you don't have to worry about having to scroll down all the time just for application offers.

If one person constantly invites you to applications, tell them to stop doing it. If they don't, then they aren't respecting your wish as a friend... and shouldn't be considered a friend anymore.

It's like spam emails. I had a friend who kept emailing me those urban legend emails or chain emails. I eventually told her to stop with those emails and she (as a good friend) did stop. Now, she's restricted her emails to questions, personal emails, etc... but not chain emails. The same with Facebook... had a couple repeat requests, but they stopped bothering me. Usually, the requests I get now are people who have never made one before. :)

I do know one guy who has like 42 applications on his profile. I simply turned them all off, so I don't have to scroll down all the time for these annoying applications. :)
^^^ I got a friend and idk how many apps he got, I feel like 60 or so and I am tired of click ignore for like thousand times ha
^^^ I got a friend and idk how many apps he got, I feel like 60 or so and I am tired of click ignore for like thousand times ha
60 applications 1,000 times? You mean, he has 60 applications, but keeps asking you to get those programs? I guess he's one of those people who don't read when he clicks around on the webpage.

When you run an application, it will automatically include EVERYONE on your friends list for you to invite to get that same application. I always read when I run my "X Me" application. The "X Me" application will run it first for the person I'm doing it to, then offer me to do it again to all of my friends. When that happens, I just skip and go back to my profile. Some people click, and click again sending it out to everyone. If one or two people complain, then they usually stop doing it to everyone. If that one friend keeps doing it to you and it's bothering you, then you should tell him to stop. If your friend doesn't, then he's not respecting you... remove him. :)
60 applications 1,000 times? You mean, he has 60 applications, but keeps asking you to get those programs? I guess he's one of those people who don't read when he clicks around on the webpage.

When you run an application, it will automatically include EVERYONE on your friends list for you to invite to get that same application. I always read when I run my "X Me" application. The "X Me" application will run it first for the person I'm doing it to, then offer me to do it again to all of my friends. When that happens, I just skip and go back to my profile. Some people click, and click again sending it out to everyone. If one or two people complain, then they usually stop doing it to everyone. If that one friend keeps doing it to you and it's bothering you, then you should tell him to stop. If your friend doesn't, then he's not respecting you... remove him. :)

Sorry for confusion, my friend got like 60 apps on his facebook... I was trying to said I am tired of click ignore on any apps invitation for like thousand times what a joke

I guess most of you never had to deal with after 4 yearbooks and 8 e-mails and 10-15 IMs i have yet to receive any thing from them on why my yearbook will lock it self out and go private to all my friends and family.