Anyone go (or used to go) to RIT/NTID?


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Oct 11, 2009
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I'm currently in the process of applying as a transfer student and I should know in the next few months if I get accepted or not - I really, really hope I do! I'm so nervous...

Anyway, my mother asked me to make a list of all of the things I will need to buy as far as clothing and winter necessities go so we can start collecting after the winter season and catch all the good sales. The only problem is I have never lived through a winter. I mean, a real winter. I live in the Southern US and before that I lived in Europe. I'm not sure I've even seen more than 2 inches of snow in the last decade. I think anything colder than 70 degrees is cold. :D Oh boy. I do not know what I'm in for. I thought (stupidly) that I would just need a winter coat. This is obviously wrong. What would you recommend I get... beyond the winter coat, of course? Yikes!
I graduated from ntid in a long long time ago. (1978).
Yes, u may have a several good warmth clothes for the wintery. Good luck
winter boots, pairs of long underwear, traction pads to go on bottom of your shoes so you don't slip < we bought some after I broke my wrist falling on ice a couple years ago>, warmer or extra pairs of socks, winter glove or mitts, winter hat, scarf, Chapstick for chapped lips due to very dry cold and wind, lotion for chapped hands, also learn about Winter parking regulations if you will be using car there, make sure car battery good for Winter, Winter tires <again, this is only if you have car>, anti-freeze, lock de-icer, snowscraper for scraping snow and ice off your car, find out where/how you will be alerted to school or other closings due to inclement weather, "alert cones" for road issue, jumper cables, extra blanket/clothes for you for emergency in car<?>......
winter boots, pairs of long underwear, traction pads to go on bottom of your shoes so you don't slip < we bought some after I broke my wrist falling on ice a couple years ago>, warmer or extra pairs of socks, winter glove or mitts, winter hat, scarf, Chapstick for chapped lips due to very dry cold and wind, lotion for chapped hands, also learn about Winter parking regulations if you will be using car there, make sure car battery good for Winter, Winter tires <again, this is only if you have car>, anti-freeze, lock de-icer, snowscraper for scraping snow and ice off your car, find out where/how you will be alerted to school or other closings due to inclement weather, "alert cones" for road issue, jumper cables, extra blanket/clothes for you for emergency in car<?>......

Wow! Thanks - this is a lot of things I never considered - traction pads and chapstick are fabulous suggestions. And I hadn't even considered long underwear :) Eeep! I'm hoping to just live on campus the first year and not have to worry about learning to drive a car through the snow and all the stuff that goes with that - snow tires and chains and anti-freeze!

Thanks, everyone. It really helps with making a list of stuff to ask for for christmas - if I get in I wouldn't be going until next fall so I have plenty of time to get ready for cold :roll:
Nope, I have no advice, but good on you for transferring. I really wish I'd gone to a college for the deaf for college.
Nope, I have no advice, but good on you for transferring. I really wish I'd gone to a college for the deaf for college.

Thanks for the encouraging words! I'm a hearing student majoring in ASL, so I think it's probably a little different for me, but the quality of the program is pitiful and I want to be the best, most qualified interpreter I can be. If that means I have to move half way across the country and spend an extra year or two to do that, then so be it :lol:
lol I love snow. Snowmobile away!

Just so you know how much i love it, I woke up this morning in my cabin - it was 25 degrees F INSIDE the cabin.
Hello nope

I suggest you not bring a lot of things for your dorm. It was my first mistake that I had too many stuff in my car at the end of spring.

Well, the weather is really crazy very especially in the winter. Very freezing and very windy. Many of us walked 1/4 mile to the school on the campus. Yike! Perhaps, you will have a good experience to be there. In fact, it's really good for your exercise to walk everyday. Actually, it's a flat land in Rochester - no mountains.

For your winter clothes, yes of course. You will need a good scarf, gloves, two hats, and sunglasses. Bring two pairs of boots and maybe muck shoes.

The dorm is usually very dry. Bring a very small humidifier if you wish due the bedroom size. A small refrigerator is what you need in case you missed your meal - who knows. Bring your laptop and a printer. Bring a lock for putting your laptop in the drawer. Perhaps, bring your digital camera with you for your new friends. I am not exact sure about bring your TV or small HDTV, but maybe you would use your laptop to watch TV with closed captions. The adapter for your computer is called, "EyeTV3 hybrid" which is at Elgato - North America

I can't think of what else to say. Good Luck!

Ah, a big problem with one of the dormitories is well-known for so many false alarms in the middle of nights. I'll say 100 false alarms per year. Two alarms were real ones the day before our final exam and another one I don't remember.
I went to NTID years ago. I like the tunnel networks under the dormitories. No tunnel lead to NTID (which is right next to the largest dormitory building) or to RIT (which is about 1/4 mile away). There are pictures on the walls and that helps me figuring out where I am.

Once ice was building up on the trees and then when the wind blew, I could hear the ice breaking. Scary sounds.

Bring something like a coffeepot to make something warm to warm you up. There is a stove on each floor in the Ellingston tower but I don't recall seeing any stove in the smaller dorms (I used to live in Colby D). Find out about the stoves and the rules on coffeepots, etc as it might have changed since my time.
I went to NTID years ago. I like the tunnel networks under the dormitories. No tunnel lead to NTID (which is right next to the largest dormitory building) or to RIT (which is about 1/4 mile away). There are pictures on the walls and that helps me figuring out where I am.

Once ice was building up on the trees and then when the wind blew, I could hear the ice breaking. Scary sounds.

Bring something like a coffeepot to make something warm to warm you up. There is a stove on each floor in the Ellingston tower but I don't recall seeing any stove in the smaller dorms (I used to live in Colby D). Find out about the stoves and the rules on coffeepots, etc as it might have changed since my time.

Good idea to bring a coffeepot! I had one in my time. My niece borrowed mine for her dormitory right now.

I heard that it used to access underground tunnel between the dorms and RIT/NTID in around 1978 (?). It shut down due the old crimes. I love the underground tunnels - they still open to connect all the dorms ever since then. I don't remember if there are stairways to the tunnels from the dorms without using the elevators.
Thanks for all the suggestions! My list of 'necessities' is every increasing - way beyond a coat and boots :) I guess I should start learning to like coffee or tea now, huh? I don't like any hot drinks, but that's going to change!
Just peeked NTID.... Yeah still there!

Yes, that is right weather can be crazy up here. Be prepare to see tons of snow up here. I predict there will be severe snow storm waiting to come here sometimes in February of 2010. I remember back then and that was a NIGHT that nearly 4 foot of snow dumped and no one was prepared, not even weatherman had predicted. Yes, they did predict snow, but like 6 inches that is it... BAM nearly 4 foot of snow!

If you plan live in dorm, then it should be ok, yes there is tunnel but not every building is connected. If you plan live off campus, which is true that it is cheaper BUT, if you want to drive though, then you better get your winter driving skills up to par, otherwise the accident is waiting to happen.

I have been in Rochester for 17 years, and know what it is like.

It is true that you really don't need tons of clothing, 1 heavy coat, and 1 light coat should be fine.
Thanks for all the suggestions! My list of 'necessities' is every increasing - way beyond a coat and boots :) I guess I should start learning to like coffee or tea now, huh? I don't like any hot drinks, but that's going to change!

You can use it to warm up soup.
Good idea to bring a coffeepot! I had one in my time. My niece borrowed mine for her dormitory right now.

I heard that it used to access underground tunnel between the dorms and RIT/NTID in around 1978 (?). It shut down due the old crimes. I love the underground tunnels - they still open to connect all the dorms ever since then. I don't remember if there are stairways to the tunnels from the dorms without using the elevators.

I went there from 1977 and I never see one that connected the tunnel to NTID. Yes, there are stairways to tunnels from outside the dorms.
The idea of tunnels is very, very cool! My first college had a system of catacombs built during the cold war, but they were closed off for decades before we even knew about them. I'm currently planning on living off of soup and thermal underwear. Thanks for all the advice, everyone!
The idea of tunnels is very, very cool! My first college had a system of catacombs built during the cold war, but they were closed off for decades before we even knew about them. I'm currently planning on living off of soup and thermal underwear. Thanks for all the advice, everyone!

Don't forget the blankets.

Catacombs? As in Italy??
I was a student at RIT.

It depends on how well you handle and adapt to the weather.

I adapt pretty well. Some people don't.

I'm from Texas. The way I adapted to the weather up there, most people didn't think I was from Texas. (I wore shorts in below-20 degrees weather.) ;)

Anyways, a winter coat might be overdoing it... depending on where you're living.

Most of the buildings are very well heated.

Go ahead and bring a coat with you, then see how it goes up there. If you feel you need something heavier or lighter, you can always go to the mall or someplace to get something different. There are 2 Walmart stores, a Target, and a mall near RIT. There's also a couple other malls (one is bigger and nicer) about 15 miles from RIT. :)
Don't forget the blankets.

Catacombs? As in Italy??

Well, they were a series of tunnels that ran under the dorm rooms into a field. They called them the catacombs because they're in a town called Rome... but THE ROME :giggle: