Anyone Else Get This PM?


New Member
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
From Madam Nenita Villaran

Good Day,

My Name is Madam Nenita Villaran, A complete citizen of Philippines, widow to the late former minister of finance in Philippi one who was a victim of the terrorist attack against the country by the Abu sayyaf movement in the southern luxury beach region on the 11th April 2002 that rendered many people of different nationals dead.

I inherited a total sum of 12 million dollars from my late husband,This money which is concealed in a metallic trunk box is deposited with a security and finance company in Cote d' ivoire under a secret arrangemen it as a family treasure. This means that the security company does
not know the content of this box that was shipped from the Philippine to Cote d'ivoire under a diplomatic coverage.

My main purpose of sending your this mail is because of the way I found you and perhaps trustworthy to give this priority of shipping this box of money to any address that you think is very secure and safe in your country with your percentage of which I have agreed to given you 20%
of the total sum for your assistance and 5% will added to you for all expenses that may raised during this transaction.

There is need for urgentaction because the consignment is accruing charges per day as demurrage to the security companyfor safekeeping couple with the resent attempt of coup plot last july that has distracted at tention of the government and the security delegates on me.

I we send to you as soon as you show intrested in this transaction the contact of the company in Cote d' ivoire for you to contact them and give them your address for the immediate shipment of the box.I will send you the Authorization Certificate to contact them in my next mail which is the Certificate of deposit that they gave me on the very day when the box of money was deposited under their company.please reply me to my private mail

I give thanks immensely for the co-operation as I am look forward to your urgent response.

Best Regard
Madam Nenita Villaran

i didn't read it all, just skimmed through it. anyone else get this?
Lot people get that kind of spam email. I suggest just delete it and if it was actually PM in here better inform Alex so he can find out and handle that problem in here.
well....TOSS IT! It aint worth the shit to answer it.

Nigerian scams its like starting with 1,000,000 and still come out wearing nothin ' but a damned barrel 'round yer chest!
oh hell no im not going to respond to it. it was just weird. i was wondering if anyone got it also.
AJ said:
oh hell no im not going to respond to it. it was just weird. i was wondering if anyone got it also.

Good. Now u know what a Nigerian Scam letter looks like so u will know when u get such shit like this one the next time....Just delete it. Ive gotten emails like that and I just toss 'em away.
well this wasn't an email this was a private message.
I get tons of those thru my e-mail. I got a PM similar to that once on AD. Nigeria is scam capital of the world. :lol:
I got it. I also forwarded it to Alex and am going to let him deal with it. Once I forwarded the message, I went delete happy :D
Keep in mind, scams are not all sourced in Nigeria. As this one says, its from the Phillipines. Many other Western African nations are home to 419 scams. Although most relay scams do originate from Nigeria and Ghana, and I've heard some in Eastern Europe, and even within the United States.

I also received this PM and plan on having some fun with scambaiting. Not only is it fun, but it wastes their time and resources, and diverts their attention away from trying to find new victims.

What a mugu. :boink:
I've gotten those type of letters in my email all the time and I just delete them after reading first sentence. But I've never received it in AD's PM. Best to let Alex or RR know about this right away.
I just got it too...going to forward it to Alex for him to take care of the spammer, and then delete it off my PM inbox.
:angel: I have never received a PM like that, but, thank you AJ for posting that, so I will be on the lookout for it, and if I get it? I will forward it to Alex and Roadrunner, owner and mod. Thanks again, AJ.
yea i received some spammings at PM, emails, and IMs(yahoo). i decided to remove my IMs scr name off my profile in AD. spammings hasnt bothered me yet...
Wow I didnt realise you can get spam mail from your PMs on here, thanks for showing it, I will be on the look out for it