any one of you who are in school after age 25

Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Anyone of you who are still in school after age 25.

Why did you decide to go back to school?
Because I want a better and more rewarding job. I currently work for the Federal Gov but cannot see myself at my current job forever.
Because I want a better and more rewarding job. I currently work for the Federal Gov but cannot see myself at my current job forever.

So,Oh, does that mean you rather work for the private company? I understand that fed gov do have from the lower-level managment to upper-level management positions from 30k to 300K. Many different kind of job positions in the federal government. I must have missing something?
Id rather work in a different field. Im going to school to be a registered nurse, after completion I might consider extra coursework or whatever is needed to be a director of nursing at a facility. I would LIKE for it to be at a children's hospital but for now Im just focusing on being a registered nurse. lol. I dont want to overthink it and create stress for myself.
I am currently in college but awaiting classes to start in April this year.. have done 7 of 9 courses and am anxious to get this over with lol.. never thought after graduating high school it would take me over a decade to be back in school this time in college.. lol
Wirelessly posted

Put it this way......I graduated college in 2011 after graduating High School in 1992.
I am no longer IN school. But with my job it requires me to do courses every so often that are required for my position. Also if I want to have more courses for a better position and better pay I can do those too.
Id rather work in a different field. Im going to school to be a registered nurse, after completion I might consider extra coursework or whatever is needed to be a director of nursing at a facility. I would LIKE for it to be at a children's hospital but for now Im just focusing on being a registered nurse. lol. I dont want to overthink it and create stress for myself.

So i see that you would like to enjoy what you are working rather than the salary itself?

some people need registered nurse for many good reasons.
So i see that you would like to enjoy what you are working rather than the salary itself?

some people need registered nurse for many good reasons.

I always say I'd rather be broke and happy than rich and miserable. Just need enough to pay the bills. I don't need a mansion to be happy. :D
Hi, I go to school and I am 32 years old. I decided to get my MA so that I could become a college Composition and Literature teacher :) I had a good job for a long time out of High School in the Real Estate field, but after working in it for 10 years, the market collapsed (understatement maybe? LOL). At the time, I didn't know what to do, so I asked myself, "If I could have any career, what would it be?" My favorite part of my management job at the office I worked for had been training the new loan officers and processors, and I also love literature and writing. I put those two things together, and voilà! English Composition and Literature teacher! The only down side was that it required 7 years of college to get the necessary degree. As it turns out though, I pretty much love college (which is a good thing because I still have three more years left!), and this semester, I was able to start teaching my first College Freshman English Composition class. I'm am now a huge believer in adults returning to college :)
I went back to school at 25 after doing construction work for a number of years. I did not want to be doing that work when I reached 50 so I switched careers. It was the best move for me.
Well, once you get a degree in school, I feel like I'm still in school every year because of new technology keep coming out with new things, keep my certificates alive, and on and on. I usually take 1 or 2 weeks training course about twice a year, in class or online. It's good for my brain... more healthy food for the brain!!!
I wasn't qualify for financial aid and VR when I was 18 years old, so I started work for 4 years until I qualified for financial aid due to age and no longer to be dependent.

I'm in school because I need degree to find an employment in IT field.
I graduated college at 23. After graduating, I worked full time for 3 years and took community college courses on my last year, planning to get a degree in something else. That's around the time I learned ASL 1.

I went back for a postbac in Biology-related and Forensic sciences a few years ago, now I am at a state university for my master's.

I saw many adults in my courses (especially evenings) because they were looking to take Chemistry or Biology for enrichment or advance in their jobs. I also see some 40-50 year old adults taking courses because they also want to change their fields, this other one I met who is 50+ something years old and married, his son already finished college. He's working on his master's and hopes to become a victim services lawyer.
I graduated college at 23. After graduating, I worked full time for 3 years and took community college courses on my last year, planning to get a degree in something else. That's around the time I learned ASL 1.

I went back for a postbac in Biology-related and Forensic sciences a few years ago, now I am at a state university for my master's.

I saw many adults in my courses (especially evenings) because they were looking to take Chemistry or Biology for enrichment or advance in their jobs. I also see some 40-50 year old adults taking courses because they also want to change their fields, this other one I met who is 50+ something years old and married, his son already finished college. He's working on his master's and hopes to become a victim services lawyer.

Pretty cool. I find people like that inspirational.
Yeah, I was one of them going back to school to earn a MS degree in rehabilitation counseling. It was 9 years ago. I am definitely done with school for GOOD. I am too old and tired for more school already. :giggle:
If I turn a time machine on, I would go back to 1990, I would be majored in criminal justice and IT. I would like to become a forensic computer specialist. Oh, well. I chose a different path..shit happens. I already moved on with my life anyway.