Any known cases of political action


New Member
Apr 21, 2003
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I'm looking for Deaf or disability organisations that have taken on their respective governments in terms of access provision within the political arena.... ie providing interpreters for political party meetings etc.

Has there been any successful cases? As of tomorrow the New Zealand government is facing a multi-breach Human Rights case in terms of UN violations within fair democractic politics.
I have gone to several political rallies and every time I have gone, I always saw an interpreter standing on the stage next to the speakers. I remember one year when one of my interpreter friends asked me to come with her and see her interpret for Bob Dole's campaign speech (back when Clinton and Dole were running for presidency in 1996). I do not know if political parties are required by the ADA law to provide interpreters for rallies or meetings. But it does help to make them "look" better and get deaf votes if they have interpreters. Have you tried contacting Gallaudet about that?