Any forums for sound sensitives?


New Member
Jul 4, 2006
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Hello all!
I am not hearing impared, actually quite at the the oposite end of the spectrum but there are no forums for sensitives.

I am too sound/noise sensitive so I came here wondering if anyone may have an idea or can explain maybe how they lost their hearing.

I have given up on earplugs since it causes me "wet ear" a kind of fungus from not getting enough ventilation into the ear cavity.
Earphones never work well enough. And to make matters worse my new neighbor and his son used to play in a rock band (both bass players) so when they think they are playing their music softly enough I am looking for anything to deafen myself with.

I am 47 and even bought an Ipod with earbuds in the hopes I can desensitize my ears somewhat.

I figured I would come to the best folks around to ask the ones not born deaf just how did they loose or desensitize their ears?

The entire world is getting too noisy for me to stay sane anymore. Help!

I imagine some of you are wishing you could hear better or even at all and your probably thinking I am totally nuts, but I really wish my own ears were somewhat impared.
Thanks all! Someone pointed me to search for "hyperacusis".
I knew I could'nt be the only one suffering from overly sensitive ears.

Goodluck with your impairments, hope to solve mine soon now!

dreaminglady said:
Hello all!
I am not hearing impared, actually quite at the the oposite end of the spectrum but there are no forums for sensitives.

I am too sound/noise sensitive so I came here wondering if anyone may have an idea or can explain maybe how they lost their hearing.

I have given up on earplugs since it causes me "wet ear" a kind of fungus from not getting enough ventilation into the ear cavity.
Earphones never work well enough. And to make matters worse my new neighbor and his son used to play in a rock band (both bass players) so when they think they are playing their music softly enough I am looking for anything to deafen myself with.

I am 47 and even bought an Ipod with earbuds in the hopes I can desensitize my ears somewhat.

I figured I would come to the best folks around to ask the ones not born deaf just how did they loose or desensitize their ears?

The entire world is getting too noisy for me to stay sane anymore. Help!

I imagine some of you are wishing you could hear better or even at all and your probably thinking I am totally nuts, but I really wish my own ears were somewhat impared.

I had a hearing friend with same problem you are having... she uses cotton was inside her ears,,, to lessen heaing that noises.. so she can uses phone and talk to friends like normal...

Dreaming Lady:
I'm a composer, pianist, 51 years old, with full hearing capacity. Your post interested me, because I believe that there are really great numbers of people who could be called "sound sensitives". Is there a book or a good article about these alleged people? Doesn't it seem that in a crowd of let's say ten people that there are always a couple who react strongly to various kinds of sounds that just don't seem to bother the majority? I would include not just explicitly loud sounds, but high-frequency whining sounds that some stores use for security purposes, grating or grinding noises, anything mechanical that repeats in some annoying pattern, and even other people's conversations. ( And that includes the kind of casual profanity that is slowly spreading everywhere, and is jarring. )
You see, it's not that we're "nosy", it's that our brains are very oriented toward absorbing and processing sound. We sound-sensistives probably are in the majority when it comes to the thousands and thousands of sound complaints that pour into city government complaint lines every year - - the music in the apartment next door, that kind of thing.
Now you may have hyperacuity, which is a medical diagnosis, isn't it? But perhaps it's just a point further down on the spectrum of sound-sensitivity that we all share.
Enough thoughts for now. Please respond via my e mail which is
I look forward to your thoughts, or if anyone else is reading
this, your thoughts as well. Thanks!
- Martin Blake
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Weird, that you both are sensitive to noises that bother you a lot. I call that noise pollution and I know that many other hearing people have complain that they can not stand the noises and want to be deafend. Like SxyPorkie said that the only solution is to use the cotton into the ear. Or my suggestion is go into the quiet country like in the woods or meadows or on the farm. I don't know if you want to move into the quiet place like that and enjoy no noises. You can not get deafend unless you get sick or just happen to lose your hearing fast without warning. You just have to learn to live with it and just tell your family members or anyone who is close to you to turn off the noises so that you can have quiet environment. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Hope you will find some solutions to your problem. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave: