Any experiences or input for Deaf School in Colorado?


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Jul 20, 2011
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Hello :wave: Everyone How are you. I am in MD and considering moving to Colorado to better myself financially. How are the Deaf Schools in Colorado. What are the positives about the school and negatives as well. Are there Colleges in Colorado for Deaf? I have two kids both are HoH my son's main communication is ASL as im not an expert at the Language I am learning and he teaches me words i may not know Does the school offer Free ASL classes to parents :hmm: ? Thanks :ty: everyone in advanced for replys :bowdown:
I have heard awesome things about Rocky MT Deaf School....there is at least one other HOH kid there.......There are dhh programs at hearing schools....some are pretty good.....CSDB is unfortuatly one of those schools that has a LOT of students who fell through the cracks in the mainstream....
However, like at most Deaf Schools the early childhood tends to be outstanding and there usually is at least a significent minority of academic kids.(as opposed to special needs kids or kids who are SO FAR BEHIND that they are functionally special needs)
Most areas offer free ASL classes, you just have to look. :) Around here a lot of libraries offer the classes once a week for learners. Maybe Google it up and start checking it out that way. Google is your friend. :D
I have heard awesome things about Rocky MT Deaf School....there is at least one other HOH kid there.......There are dhh programs at hearing schools....some are pretty good.....CSDB is unfortuatly one of those schools that has a LOT of students who fell through the cracks in the mainstream....
However, like at most Deaf Schools the early childhood tends to be outstanding and there usually is at least a significent minority of academic kids.(as opposed to special needs kids or kids who are SO FAR BEHIND that they are functionally special needs)
Biggest ego I know of came out of CSDB and would likely disagree with your assessment.

It's somewhat subjective.
That's true.........your milage may vary....but unless you're talking about USDB, Hawai'i School for the Deaf And Blind or Alaska School for the Deaf, the good thing is that many Deaf schools still have the POTENTIAL for being good places for students,know what I mean? As long as the instructors are ASL fluent and well trained with Deaf ed,there's still a lot of potential for anything to happen.....Granted Deaf schools aren't known for turning out a lot of kids who will attend Harvard......but again there are usually kids who are college bound....and then again a lot of deaf schools could turn a kid who had very basic skills levels in the mainstream,into a kid who has a bit more advanced skill levels......They're also really good for the type of kid who while they are somewhat strongly academic, they're between mental disabilty functioning, and typical kid in mainstream sped functioning........And heck....I was reading the newsletter of a Deaf School that has a lot of kids with additional disabilties....there was a student there who won a full scholarship at Gally.....
I think we are talking about two different schools for the deaf in CO, right?
You mean the charter Rocky Mountain and CSDB?

Yes very separate.

Agreed............Didn't mean to link them.....Just bringing them up as options/possibilties etc.
I'm also pretty sure that Colarado offers regional dhh programs, some of which are sizable and good.....
And Botti, I know you think that I'm being a mindless booster for Deaf Schools......I'm not....I KNOW their reputation....but pointing out that they do have value (especally in early childhood) isn't being a mindless booster....Heck deaf ed (schools or formal programs) are SO much better then a dhh kid getting resource room (mainstream sped) support,especially if it's in a poor/rural area or another area that doesn't have the best supports/services....
Also if my memory serves me right A&E Momma's kids came from the mainstream after having major issues.....
Deaf schools aren't inherentially's simply b/c they are the last resort placement for SO MANY students.....If we used them like say.....intense early childhood utilization (ie preschool-2nd-3rd grade),so the kids would get everything they needed, (ie speech training ASL models, peers etc) then a lot less kids would NOT fall though the cracks! Plus they wouldn't get lumped in with the LD,mentally disabled, behavorial disorder etc kids like they would in a mainstream sped program.
But the School for the Deaf is good right??? Yes my kids had major issues but are doing great id def. want them in a Deaf school since it has helped them tremendously I wont go the mainstream route again as it didnt work for my son my daughter i think would be good since shes more oral and her hearing is better than my son but still i want them in the same school so her ASL doesnt get flaky i think it will benefit her in the long run
But the School for the Deaf is good right??? Yes my kids had major issues but are doing great id def. want them in a Deaf school since it has helped them tremendously I wont go the mainstream route again as it didnt work for my son my daughter i think would be good since shes more oral and her hearing is better than my son but still i want them in the same school so her ASL doesnt get flaky i think it will benefit her in the long run

Wish there was a way for you to tour CSDB,and see if it was good for your kids....As I said it's unfortuatly one of those schools that has a lot of kids who fell through the cracks in the mainstream.......but as I said before a lot of those schools DO tend to be good in the early grades AND they also have a strong academic subpopulation....if you could find out if the teachers are well trained and ASL fluent that might help with your decision.....bc then that way, the POTENTIAL would be there............Again as long as it's not a REALLY bad school,like USDB,Hawaii School,North Carolina,Alaska School, there's usually an academic minority....and at places that would REALLY surprise you.....
RMDS is supposed to be AWESOME...........and it does sound like it would be a good fit for both your kids.....Rocky Mountain Deaf School
And yes you're 100% the long run although she is oral, now she'll probly hit the oral wall,and have more sophsicated Sign abilty....also visual processing is a strengh for dhh kids.....Also think it will help her socially and emotionally (especially around middle/high school)
I think it's AMAZING that you're a deaf school fan! They really can be awesome places right?
Hello :wave: Everyone How are you. I am in MD and considering moving to Colorado to better myself financially. How are the Deaf Schools in Colorado. What are the positives about the school and negatives as well. Are there Colleges in Colorado for Deaf? I have two kids both are HoH my son's main communication is ASL as im not an expert at the Language I am learning and he teaches me words i may not know Does the school offer Free ASL classes to parents :hmm: ? Thanks :ty: everyone in advanced for replys :bowdown:
Just like Deaf Dyke said - the state school is the dumping grounds for many unfortunate children.

RMDS has community ASL classes. You can check it out here: Community ASL Classes - Rocky Mountain Deaf School

I am not sure if there are any free classes, short of being a Mormon or a J.W.
Thanks @deafdyke i wasnt always for the deaf schools growing up i was mainstreamed and treated like any "hearing" kid but had hearing aides honestly i was going to raise my kids in mainstream to survive the cruel world and learn to live in it but things changed that when my son stopped talking and nothing was working except ASL and honestly that took me 2 years to even think of it. ASL has brought the communication back to my sons life although we still have milestones to get to he has been so much happier and is able to communicate at a whole new level I LOVE IT and learning from this fourm and internet research and "switched at birth" has gave me an outlook like im not the only one it has made me feel great and look at the Deaf differently i used to think old ppl were the ones who wore HA's but now i see im not alone and i see some cant hear even with (i always knew that just never met anyone ) You guys are all the best ppl and very informative and helpful.. I wrote the school and I will get them in the Deaf school assuming all of them know ASL as its like English with your hands for the Deaf i wouldnt think the mainstream would be Spanish speaking with all of us English speaking folks lol.. Anyway... I definitely am putting BOTH kids in the school even if i have to fight hopefully with them coming from a Deaf school it wont be so hard but like a transfer like you would with jobs I hope there are going to be perks to going there I feel like its the best financially physically for me as well because i am obese and my friend that i am going to has changed his life lost so much weight and has a new way of eating im going to learn i think this life experience will be awesome ive never been out west but from photos its beautiful and i pray that it is what i see in pictures and more
lol...........looks like we have a deaf school fan.....Colarado offers a lot of options AND it also offers TWO Deaf Schools too......There ARE regional programs too..(Colarado is not an "either or state,which is good)..Wish there was a way for you to find out about each and every program......Definitly look into's quite a good program....Psyched that you've found deaf ed to be so positive