Any Deaf work as


New Member
Mar 5, 2003
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I am just curious as out of this question.

I just happen and wonder to able do this for myself. I was hoping to get some answer but I know deaf can do anything expect the 'hear'.

I wonder do you meet any deaf who works as waitress. Not just HOH. I never meet anyone myself who is deaf works as waitress.
I cannot remember I read the website in Europe.. Deaf owner of Resturant and also waitress too.. I forgot name of website url.. sorry..
I used to work as a waitress and a busperson sometimes host for my mom's old resturant, and i also did some work in Fremont at erik's deli as a sandwich maker and waitress too.... not hard once u know where the poeple are sitting and know what they ordered!
Thanks for answer and seem I have enough answer to the boss where I work that Deaf can work from different place that you know. If I have problem and will gone post this again.
Hi ideafspy,

I know you already got answers to this now, but I just thought I'd add that I worked as a waitress and also bartender a few years ago, when I first started in my photography career, while I still needed the extra money. Actually I was better behind the bar than most of the other staff... bc in the bar part of the building the music was very loud at night on the weekend, and nobody could hear what people order, but I already lipread ofc, so I had an advantage by being :deaf:

Waiting tables, I was as good as anyone else, you just need to move around the table to see what the say. I was complimented on my 'manners' for always being sure to face the customer by one man once... I laugh to myself later, since I made sure to face them so that I knew what they wanted to eat! :lol: